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Nik Mirza

A member registered Jul 12, 2016 · View creator page →

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Only the campfire part is done in 3 Days. The rest are only small part of game I’m currently working on. Since there are no rules against using pre-existing project.

I however probably need to rethink if this are suitable to be implemented in the main project.

The main project is actually a normal RPG with pre-written dialogues as you mentioned. This is more of proof of concept idea of applying LLM into the larger project in area where there will be a lot of writing involves. This is akin to the Social Minigames in the Urbz Sims in the City or the infamous Oblivian social minigames.

I already process the refund, But I cannot be sure when will process them.

Great effort.

okay, for the bundle or just this game?

I think you might to set this as web player. Other people might not be able to play with your current zip.

Very unique implementation of the stats.

Great game! Unique and consistent artstyle. I have to stop myself after a full 10 minutes.

But it could do with music and better sound effect.

Great humorous game!

Unfortunately, I can’t move, WASD does not work. So, I won’t be able rate this yet.

But stunning artwork, animation, main menu works and humor!

Nice character artwork.

But the environment artwork might be too busy. Another thing is, the upgrade button position is not ideal, as it was where I would be aiming all the time.

Lack of enemy feedback is also not ideal, as I don’t know if any of the attack hit when shot.

But given the artwork, this could be better if well executed.

Haven’t seen or play any UPBGE made game before. But I think there is bug where nothing other than the character is rendered and I cannot move.

So I’m not going to rate because I cannot play.

Unique system and fun to play. Nice artwork.

Fun games!

I was expecting Lunacid style gameplay based on the tutorial section. So it was unexpected that it turns to top-down view afterwards. It could be a work if well executed.

Stellar Artwork and Animation!

But I’m pretty much lost about where to go and what to do.

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Hi, this TTRPG is designed for 2 or more players. One player takes on the role of the GM (Game Master) or Godfather, orchestrating the storyline and scenarios for the other players, who role-play as characters navigating the world and its challenges.

This one is not a Solo TTRPG, but other ttrpg that I produce is. I recommend starting out with, Nomads of the Isles as introduction, or Root of Power for more complex experience.

Nice consistent artstyle.

The gameplay could be better with BGM and SFX. I just can’t feel engaged with the gameplay without those.

I could see that it only needs sound to make this work.

The artwork could have been better. I think you need to focus on consistency and contrast. If the palette is what you want to improve, probably you start with LoSpec.

This video helped me with my artstyle.

Simple and cute game.

I think this need a little bit of balancing. The starting felt too slow.

Nice consistent Artstyle.

I unfortunately cannot escape the prison. Hold F apparently does nothing so I can’t rate this one.

I cannot click start game…

It is a little bit jarring when I first encounter the Turn based part. But a solid experience.

Rad and Fun Game!

There are, I’ll update for you.

Thank you for pointing that out, the XP details these was hidden behind one of the background images.

I was also missing the default value for Resilience for each Race. So, I added it after fixing some more typos.

updated the download just now

Thank you! Yes, the D20 Items is referencing the Equipment and Items list.

New updates had been released, now with Quest Generator.

Thanks, I do want a non-fantasy setting to play with my friend.

I would love to print these. Can you publish single pages version so that I can print this in booklet form.


Also, I guess, it worth to point out that the content page starts on page 4. Accounting for the 2 first page as cover page, it should start on page 3. So, I guess there is a missing page that you might need to check so the layout is correct.


I bought the game recently; I print out my copy and found a few issues.

  1. When printing a booklet, the cover page does not line up when using typical setting. It is one page off.
  2. The map for Forest of the Storms on page 52 and 53 does not lined-up in a single spread.

Both of this might be because of a missing page, I assumed. But I do like the game but those part do make it not great when printed out.

Thank you

It was still in-progress. I was planning to have quest making system within the next update. The idea is.

  1. Draw a card to determine type of quest.
  2. Draw a subsequent card if the card demands it.

I’m currently play testing the newest version. For now, you can create your own quest.

I agreed.

I started the project last friday without any theme in mind. But at the current state it is a basic template for a metrodvania. The theme are arbitry, the 20XX is because of the post apocalypse city scape.

So about the fall the damage, I want to start the player without what you typically started in any platformer which is the fall damage. So the PC is weaker than most PC in other game. I guess it wasn’t a popular choice for a platformer.

So the level design is heavily based on fall damage mitigation. And the target is make the player felt the progression from dying of fall damage to be able to not care about it.

Yeah, the enemy is afterthought.

Also LDTK is the GOAT for level designing a metrodvania.

I like you critical view on this.

They first 3 jump screen was there to only show the limit. After that you, it should be easy due to power-up and such.

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I guess HTML5 wasn’t the best way to play this. Try the exe if you are on windows.

Here the playlist I heard while while making this game. A month of just hearing the same playlist.