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Artist looking for a programmer/team

A topic by unluckycloverfield created Feb 03, 2021 Views: 289 Replies: 3
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This seemed like such a cute jam and something I can really go wild with art-wise, but my programming skills are sadly lacking despite a few efforts.  I'm hoping to find someone who needs an artist.  I can style super-cute or more dark and whimsical, and am flexible with style.  I like the idea of a magical girl, with a twist of some kind, of course, it depends on the theme.  My favorite magical girl is probably princess tutu,  but I also have a secret theory that DIO in JJBA part 1  is a magical girl story gone wrong but that's a shitpost for another day.

My portfolio is below.  Looking forward to meeting y'all


Have you considered checking the discord server? You will have an easier time finding teammates there.

But if you have got difficulty using discord let me know.

oh good idea thanks!


Just came across this post. I know the Magical Girl Jam is over. Just wondering if you would be interested in working on a future jam. You can see what we did here. Let me know. Thanks.