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Market Fight: Get Dressed Up!View game page

Click away the other customers, take their money and buy cute magical outfits
Submitted by Wynn Art (@Wynn_art_)
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Magical Girl Concept#172.9593.091
Gameplay Polish#222.4372.545

Ranked from 11 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the Magical Girl Genre?
The game is based on dressing up the character, and as she just became a magical girl, her powers depends on the outfits and items she carries. The outfits that I included in the game gives her wind powers or electrical/mechanical/machinery powers

Which theme(s) do you pick?
Mainly n.6 and banditry technology

How does your game fit those theme(s)?
It fits the first theme because the story and minigame takes place in a Marketplace full or people
And technology because of the outfits in the game, which would give her powers related to technology, like manipulating machines and information

Were the assets for your game made during the jam? Elaborate as you see fit.
All the assets where made during the jam period
Except the music that was taken from other resources (in opengameart)

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I had the advantage of watching you build this game, and I'm glad you were able to get it over the finish line!

I know you were tight on time, and it could certainly be expanded upon with additional gameplay elements. But what's here is great! I really love the artwork, particularly the hand drawn parts. The costume pieces are creative and detailed, and it's fun to mix and match.

I hope you continue to work on more projects like these! MGGJ8 is just around the corner! (Ok, not really, but it'll be here soon enough)


Thank you!! I really barely made it hahahaha, I couldn't have done it without you checking on me!

And thank you for liking the art! I really wasn't sure if it would end up looking good all together, but I'm glad if you liked it!

And who knows if there will be more like this, I have to think about it, and start planning for MGGJ8 so I don't have to rush in the end and make everything hastily.

Thanks for everything!!


I like the concept of this one. I feel the description and opening text is a bit misleading- as far as I can tell there isn't actually any gameplay where you get powers from clothing items- but what's here is a quirky and cute little thing.

The text and UI is way too big for fullscreen. I also found the font hard to read in general. I didn't realize at first that I needed to walk over rather than click on the coins to collect them, but I got the hang of it pretty quick.

I tried to buy an outfit and it ate my money without unlocking, which left a sour taste in my mouth. There's a few that are bugged like this. I was momentarily confused by the lock symbols because I thought they had to be unlocked in order or something. The section isn't highlighted when scrolling through outfits, which also confused me a bit.

It got pretty old having to go through the tutorials every run. It would be nice to be able to keep going rather than being kicked back to the menu. There also aren't a lot of unique clothing pieces, just a lot of colour variations.

I'm nitpicking, and there are a lot of nits I could pick. In the end, though, it's a weird and cute little experience. I don't know if I'd call it a game, even. It doesn't really have a gameplay loop. It could- buy outfits to get powers to fight the crowd better to buy more outfits- but it doesn't. I wouldn't mind if this was expanded or integrated into a bigger game, but I also wouldn't mind if it stayed what it is.


First, thank you so much for your comment and all the details

Second, sorry for the delayed answer, I have been thinking for days on how to answer without saying "you are right on everything" hahahaha

I will check and fix the font, since I didn't expect it to be too big or hard to read, my bad

I'm really sorry about some items being bugged and making you waste money. I did try them all and I didn't see any problem, but it seems some of them got in without realising, I will be more careful in the future. I will also try to make things clearer in future games (like highlighting the sections or using other symbols that are not misleading 

Now that you mention, I really should have made it so you could retry without going through all the intro, sorry. And about the clothes, I was originally going to have more outfits, but I run out of time so I could only do 3 + the colour variations, but I truly wanted to do more

Thank you so much! And I don't know what will I do with the game. I will fix it, but I'm not sure if I will expand it or not

And once again, thank for the comment so I know what to fix! Thanks!


Very cute.

I like the idea of a build your own magical girl, though the game feels tacked on rather than part of it. Also it feels weird pushing towards the stall only to turn around and kill somemore shoppers for more money.  

Good job all in all.


Thank you so much for your comment!! I will be more careful in future games so the different parts don't feel tacked on



This seems like either its a experiment or just a small part of a bigger game.

The shop part is stronger than the game part, but there is not much to it beyond ... I guess keep on going ?


While there would be more after buying the clothes, like seeing what powers they give, I guess you could say my game is closer to an experiment hahaha

I did want to focus more on the outfit part of magical girls rather than on showing their actual abilities, so I understand it might look weird, since usually it's the other way around (magical powers being more important than the clothes) hahahaha

And thanks!