Wow this is a really well put together game/experience! I think everything looks/feels/sounds polished.
Story: fairly light but kudos on incorporating the theme :) It's funny to imagine that Sal has to head into the jungle to fetch ingredients for each customer.
Gameplay: In general no major complaints here. Treat most of the following as minor observations.
Sometimes it felt like there were no good options in some situations, making it a bit frustrating, but maybe those were situations that I got myself into :)
It was sometimes frustrating that I couldn't place the pan down where I wanted to. Seemed like I could only do it from standstill, or the height of my jump. Sometimes I wanted to place it at half the jump height but it didn't work.
I really loved the knife/wall jump. That was pretty fun. However I kept wishing for a way to just 'drop' from the wall straight down. seemed like I always had to jump off which made a couple situations awkward.
The hammer didn't feel as useful as the other two items. It just seemed like the end-game way to reach the final ingredient. Sure, I could also get a few other tomatoes, but by that point I seemed pretty OP. I like the fact that the game is pretty non-violent, but a part of me wanted to be able to attack the enemies. Maybe the hammer could scare them away instead of hurt them?
Graphics: Really great job here. Everything looked sharply defined and it all fit together. The multiple zones were distinct and looked great. Nothing stood out and everything looked great together.
Audio: I think the audio was fantastic. Multiple music tracks along with all the right SFX really enhanced the playing experience. fantastic job!
Enjoyment: I think this is probably my favorite game in the jam :) everything about it is very well done and at the same level. I think it's a bit on the 'easy' side due to the infinite lives and generous auto-save, but for a jam game I've found that generally making the game a bit easier makes it a lot more enjoyable to maximize the number of people who are able to fully experience it. very well done!
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