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A jam submission

MelonVaniaView game page

Walter Melon
Submitted by czCastor, misterlaz, Valintyr, albymakesmusic, joshwitch — 52 seconds before the deadline
Rated by 7 people so far
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Theme chosen
Nurturing, For clearing the garden of the rot

joshtwitch, albymakesmusic, misterlaz, Valintyr


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The game certainly improved the more I went into it, the upgrades and the way they opened up the exploration I thought were really well done. The  main melon dude was adorable, but there are a handful of fundamentals that I'd definitely recommend adjusting. First of all, I definitely think that when you have a game where you use melee attacks, you should always make your enemies get knocked back by attacks rather than staying stationary after getting attacked. Also, after pressing the attack button there's a delay between the attack animation playing out and the attack landing. Ideally, you'd want the player's attack to register with the enemy as soon as they press the attack button. Very solid entry though, the world design was absolutely the highlight for me I found that to be very well done!  


I love Walter, he's such a grumpy little guy. There's definitely quite some jank in the core physics, though, that hold the game back. I don't think I have much to say that hasn't already been said by other commenters (like the enemies needing knockback, level too big, etc)

Also, it must be said, your logo is truly excellent


As joaokrejci said, I see some potential here. At first, I honestly thought the entry was not really good as the combat was not interesting neither the simple platforming. However, the jet pack was a nice surprise and it spiced up the platforming, together with the mushrooms. They both opened the world and it was definitely the best moment of the game. The little melon is cute and I liked the rolling jumping animation, for whatever reason I found it super nice to see!. 

My main input here would be to reconsider the pacing of the levels and its challenges. It felt that the levels were too big and the challenges were not really changing. I think less enemies and more interesting situations would make wonders for this game, kind of like concentrate what you have in less space. Apart from that, I found the combat not really well executed as when you hit an enemy, it will immediately hit you back since there is no knock back to stop their movement, so it makes you feel that you did it wrong. I found actually more fun (and more efficient) to just skip enemies by jumping.

Overall, a nice entry :) Congratulations!


Thanks for playing! Adding a knockback when the enemies get hit is a good idea. Thank you for that input. I agree that the level was definitely too big and not enough exploration incentive. Good feedback for next time.

Thank you!!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I see lots of potential here. The idea is good and the game is pretty cute. I don't know if there is something after the third boss cause after I defeated it it just vanished dropping nothing and I couldn't get up again.

My first impression wasn't good, that's my fault cause I skiped the first boss on my first playthrough, then it disappeared getting me stuck. On the second playthrough I've faced the boss and the game's true value opened up and I had a lot of fun.

Had some difficulties with the controllers, first cause the mapping wasn't stated nowhere, but after mashing some keys i found it was intuitive enough to not be so much of a problem, second cause I felt it missed some fine-tuning like if you want the jetpack to take the player up it should do it more promptly, it felt like I was always barely making it to the ledge, or when you hit and enemy at such close distance they should stall or be pushed back or else you'll end up being punished for landing a hit by taking damage cause the enemy didn't stop.

The level design was interesting, it made me engage and want to explore the whole world, and felt rewarded for that with the extra life in form of the melon pieces. But... It was very linear which hurts a bit the concept of being a metroidvania.

To finish, some parts of the art where a bit blurry while some were very crisp which caused some inconsistencies with the style you were going, and in some part in the middle of the playthrough the music stopped suddenly and I don't know why. Missed some sound effects, but I forgot to put them in my game too lol.

Overall I think the idea has a lot of potential and would be something I'd buy on steam if well executed. 

Congrats on your submission and good luck!


I must retreat my comment about the controls not being mapped nowhere, I've seen it later that you stated them on the game page, sorry. But anyway, they were very intuitive, congrats! 


Thank you for all of your feedback! 

Yea, I agree that the jetpack feels a little odd, I initially had it as more of a hover, but it definitely reads like it should operate as you described!

Thank you for the kind words regarding the level design too! And for the feedback regarding the art assets!

(i totally ran out of time to tune and put in the SFX)

Thanks againnnn


I love the idea, its executed well... its simple and fun....there just could be more....but I understand time limit.... Got that "melon" mario bros vibe....  needs more sfx and maybe health pickups?


There are definitely a lot of SFX that my sound designer did and I wasn't able to put into the game int time!! And yea I totally agree with you on the health pickups idea.


would love to give this a further play and review! Would also appreciate a basic review/comment on our own submission if you have the time! please and thank you !


I liked the idea of a Melon character


Thanks, his name is Walter LMAO