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A member registered Mar 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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A late thanks but thanks for playing and enjoying our game nonetheless!

This movement system is a ton of fun, I loved chaining my spins together, it made for some very fun traversal and I really appreciate that there's no real limit to it because that just makes the game more fun. For whatever reason though the game thought  I was using a gamepad despite playing with mouse and keyboard so it just kept giving me controller inputs for progression and tutorializing which made it so that I actually got stuck for like a minute trying to figure out how to progress after beating the first boss. I'm not sure if the controls on screen are for the gamepad on default or if something weird in my setup made the game think I was using a gamepad


Thanks for the feedback! Visual clarity is definitely something we'll be working on to get right, both in terms of how much health + energy each food gives you and the clarity in terms of powerups, thank you for playing and enjoying the game!

Thanks for playing! I've actually already played and rated your game

The 1 bit artstyle here is gorgeous, it makes for some very clear color language, and just a wonderful atmosphere. I really liked the jump system, it's very well informed by the game's theme. Also the intro text scroll with the ethereal language and flowery music gave me VERY strong early final fantasy vibes which is  very big weakness for me and had me invested in the game right off the bat

We really appreciate the kind comment!

Oh this game is so evil. As someone who has literally just gotten over my cookie clicker addiction, I spent a disgustingly embarrassing amount of time farming this game. You might've done too good of a job because I actually physically cannot stop myself from playing. If you make this a mobile game, or host it on a website where it doesn't stop when it loses focus I think you'd have yourself a full release right here and there

This game is such a good time! I love the mix of cultivation, action and creature collection, it's so unique and so fun. The vibrant art and music, and the crazy amount of polish just brings all this together into one wonderful experience

This is an absolute triumph in game feel, I did not expect the game to feel this awesome to play from just the preview images. All the bosses were so cool and fast paced, in particular that 2nd boss who just felt awesome to fight. There's so much rule of cool in this game with the insanely punchy feedback, the even punchier music, and the really cool and fast bosses. Absolutely brilliant job on this one

I don't think I'll ever not love a game that focuses on physics to inform the gameplay loop, games like this are just SUCH a chaotic blast and you really executed on that idea in such an amazing way here. Purely in terms of controls this is my favorite game in the jam because of just how much the controls inform the game, it's so fun to just go absolutely nuts with it, but also equally rewarding to be tactful with your mouse movement. Really well thought out, really well designed bosses, just an overall great job

This is a game after my own heart, everything about it is the kind of lightly morbid absurdity that I just adore and can't get enough of. Everything about it just speaks to me, I can't say enough good things about it. The unique means of control, the hilarious way the game contextualizes all of them, the game feel, the different unique bosses, the pinball feel, I just loved all of it. Wonderfully creative and inventive, amazing job!

I adore creative uses of perspective in games, anything that can give me that Fezlike experience is just an instant gold star in my books, and this game did that absolutely flawlessly. The use of perspective with the rotating arena was used to such an awesome effect in literally every single boss fight, and that kept the game consistently engaging despite the very retro-inspired difficulty. Everything here is just so clean and responsive, and the bosses are designed immaculately 

Despite Godot's best efforts to make this game damn near unplayable on web, I found this game to be absolutely awesome. It's a proper proper bullet hell, with an insane bombardment of projectiles running at you, while you're also trying to multitask with hitting the boss properly which makes for a very tough and very thrilling gameplay experience. The polish in the audio and visuals go without saying to, this is a gorgeous game

This game is SO good, absolutely phenomenal job here. As someone who is awful at balancing card based systems, I am beyond impressed at how immaculately balanced and strategic this game is, every mechanic and card is so harmonious with so much room for excellent plays and synergy. I'm honestly just in love with this, there's really not much more to say 

This game is a real sleeper hit, I thought this was pretty excellent. The main mechanic is so much fun to play with, the risk that comes both the attacks and parries are pretty much perfectly balanced. The boss design is so dynamic, and it plays with the mechanics to bring out the most out of them brilliantly. Also the animation is absolutely fantastic! Seriously amazing job

This game had some awesome bosses in it in terms of spectacle, like real horrific lovecraftian abominations. It lead to such a chaotic energy with all of their detached limbs, tendrils and other parts flying around the screen hitting you in atypical ways. The 3D models look amazing by the way, they're actually stunningly retro

That 2nd boss is so cool, I don't why I was so mesmerized with the idea of a psychedelic wolf but it really worked of me. The spinning boss arena not being perfectly circular and instead being angular was a great call, it made the game feel a lot more dynamic 

This entry is absolutely brilliant! Definitely one of my favorites of the jam.  I think it might be my flat out favorite when it comes to boss design, the homie Larry in particular was a fantastic fight. Just so much retro heart and soul in this one, it's a love letter in the absolute truest ways and is highly polished in what it aims to do.

The cohesion between a game about being in balance with nature and the entirely passive defensive playstyle is really cool stuff. I liked the simplicity of all the movement and mechanics, and I actually found that all the moves that all the bosses had were very well balanced around the simplicity of my movement options. The color language was also very clean and clear so it was just immediately apparent what the green circle did without any tutorializing whatsoever which is a huge plus

Thanks for playing!

Thanks a lot for playing! This is really interesting feedback, because we were honestly worried that the opposite would happen where players would rely too much on plates and not slam bad food on the boss at all. This is just another thing that we'll be taking very deeply into consideration when balancing the game as we expand it. Much appreciated 

Oh I really thought this was something unique that you intended. Thats a very good accident though because that ring was the coolest thing about your game, and it's an important lesson in really trying to make something unique that shatters the mold. If you see a mechanic in another game, a great exercise is to think to yourself how could you push the boundary of that mechanic and break it. Breaking the ordinary is how you get some real cool experimental stuff going

(1 edit)

Oh man I LOVE that you have full control over the orbital ring and can just mathematically obliterate it, I found that part of your game so much fun to play around with, and it was so fascinating seeing just how far you can push it. You could've just made a basic ring, but I more than commend the effort you put into making such a unique mechanic instead. Such a cool use of the theme

EDIT: On this being your first ever jam, I think you did a stellar job and the reason I say this is because of how well you used the theme. I've played well over a 100 games in this jam, and most people play it very safe with the theme or use it in a vapid manner, but your willingness to do something so bizarre with theme with your orbital system is the exact kind of creativity game jams are made for. Continue fostering that creativity, because the more you build on that the more fun you'll have making games

This game is such a beautiful, ethereal, melancholic and slightly surrealist experience. I'm honestly in love with everything I just experienced, and it also helps that the gameplay happens to be absolutely incredible with a main mechanic that's just so so so much fun. The amount of quality of life accessibility that's provided for this entry so that someone who isn't as skilled in bullet hell games can still experience your full vision is also just wonderful. I managed to beat every stage without continuing, but it was a STRUGGLE, a struggle that was an absolute blast to play the whole way through. I honestly just can't say enough good things about this

I love the shader you used here it looks SO cool, I'm definitely gonna have to try my hand at something like this the next time I make a 3D game it's just so visually striking. As for the game itself, I found the camera really interesting to mess around with but I did run into this problem quite a few times where I'd tip over and land on my back which would pretty much instant forfeit the fight. Slopes in unity are very messy and very tricky so I think is just a result of that. I'd honestly stray away from slopes like 99% of the time unless you have a way to consistently make the work and that tends to be tough to do 

This is quite the unique core mechanic, it's pretty tough to get the hang of and I think some developer difficulty might've prevented you from making it a tad more accessible by having bullets directly fly to the boss instead of having to direct them yourself for example. But that aside, as I kept playing I got more and more comfortable with moving and capturing bullets and it made for a really cool gameplay loop. It helps a lot that the bullets are very slow, I very much appreciate that, the bosses all feel very congruent to the core gameplay system

I really really really like your pixel art, it's very clean and the minimalism suits action games like this very well

This is SUCH a speedrunnable game, great call on having the leaderboard there. I really appreciate the balancing here, it feels very much like the right difficulty for a jam game, where it's not particularly tough, but losing is a big loss in progress which balances out the consequences. I will say I can't tell whether I was in flow state or if I was going through the motions for some of the fights, because I honestly zoned out during the latter half of quite a few of them since I wasn't in any real risk of ever losing and the bosses never changed up their patterns as the fights went along. I do get why they didn't though, because that type of dynamically changing boss design isn't as cohesive with the aesthetic as the current approach to boss design you currently have

Awesome awesome awesome entry! Stylish to a frankly insane degree, and the combat system is so simple and clean. I found the boss attacks really fun to deal with (with the exception of the attack where I had to block I wanted to eat my computer when that attack came up it was RUTHLESS). It's just such a fun little project with a very strong personal identity to it and I really did love playing through what it had to offer

Thanks! We're definitely planning on expanding it into a full release 

Thanks for the recommendation, we'll definitely check out Liar's Bar and see what we can pull from it in terms of expanding the game even more!

Thanks for playing and trying out the secret boss!

What an absolutely beautifully simple mechanically cohesive game. Everything just wonderfully feeds into itself, it's all so consistent and fun to play. Awesome job on this one

The world of this game is beautifully somber, the music and the hand drawn style really accentuates that feel, and makes for a really immersive world. This is another one of those games that has a really cool risk/reward infinite heal system, and every game I've seen with that kind of system has been so cool to me. Everyone approaches it differently, and this might be my favorite interpretation of it that I've seen. The bosses have clear tells for their attacks, yet they're subtle enough to catch you off guard until you piece them together, which is my personal favorite brand of boss design. I'm not quite as hot on bosses not having HP bars though, I do like the indicators of bosses getting more tired or broken down as you do damage to them, but in a boss rush game where there's risk of a loss of progress upon dying, it doesn't feel quite great to not know your progress in any current fight beyond the vague phase 1/phase 2 indicator. I definitely understand the immersion behind not having a health bar, but it's a highly contextual thing you have to consider. If I had infinite retries I wouldn't mind it whatsoever, but in a game genre that requires a lot more consistent skill from the player, having all the feedback possible is really important in my opinion. Fantastic job overall though, I really did love playing through this game

Holy wow the variety and polish on this actually boggles my mind. There's so much cooler synergy you can pull with the cards, and playing around with them is so rewarding. The bosses are all incredibly unique and well design, and the fact that there are this many of them is pretty insane. Just a fantastic entry all around

Thanks a lot for playing, we're really glad you enjoyed the game! The ??? is meant to be a superboss version of the fight but the scene transition doesn't work in the executable version unfortunately 

I really really like the healing mechanic here, there's something about a well balanced limitless heal system that works so so well for my brain. It introduces very cool risk/reward to the game. If I were to suggest one change, I'd make attacks be three string combos if you're making a melee attack boss game, because it felt like I was hitting a wall when I'd hit the boss with just a single swipe and then reloading to unleash that same single swipe. It's a game feel thing that really makes a world of difference when creating a game of this type. The artwork is phenomenal though, the comic in the beginning in particular was absolutely gorgeous and brimming with life and energy 

It's pretty fun how engrained the gambling imagery is to every boss in this game, I do wish there was a Russian Roulette type element to the gunplay where one of the gun's options damages the player or what have you, I think that would've really made the gunplay very congruent with the rest of the casino setting. Some bosses also didn't have much to do with the setting in terms of their attacks, like the dice that just shoot random projectiles. I think it would've been cool to have them do things only a dice can do to sell the setting more and more, and to really make the most of the theme. I still enjoyed my time with this though, I enjoyed seeing all the takes on gambling games and components within the context of a 3rd person shooter boss rush!