How about a small introduction?
Hello, I am ever/EV3R4 from BMS (Broken Mouse Studios), I develop games mostly with Lua/LÖVE but can also program in JavaScript or Python.
Hi. My activity in Ludum Dares and jams used to be about 3D games where story is downplayed, but lately I find myself too lazy to code these things in such short time, while being more inspired to explore the story side of game making. A bit annoyed by how hard it is to achieve some more complex stuff in Twine, I started writing an interactive story engine during previous jam (Random WikiHow Jam) and I will use this jam to develop it further. The engine is by no means easier to use than Twine (no visual interface and everything is done in JS), but it allows me to make things the way I want them to be, using methods that I implement on the spot.
Not being a fan of interactive fiction that gives you miles of text to read, I try to keep paragraphs short and meaningful. Hopefully I will be inspired enough to finish a game during weekend (I already lost whole Friday) and I wish you all good luck and I hope enough people submit something.