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my first game jam

A topic by Dee-spec created Apr 14, 2020 Views: 588 Replies: 10
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this is my first game jam and my first months of using Unity, anyone have any tips?


Make a prototype first

Just Like Me But How can I Make a Game Prototype ?


I don't know but it's probably just to make two versions of the game


A prototype is the bare bones version of your game. Try to get the basic game loop you want and see if its fun then build your game around that basic game loop.

my second game jam and i only started using gamemaker 1 month ago


Make it simple. Like really really simple. Something like an one button game would be enough.

Just start off by deciding what kind of game you want to do and make it easy then just copy and paste someone else's code that is if you do not want to have the fun of making code


i also started two weeks ago and this is my first game ever! hope we can get through this haha, good luck :)


Same for me man i just learned how to do easy 2D games

(3 edits)

Check out brackeys on YouTube its very useful... Also if it allowed in this Jam use assets they are so helpful... For instance Im bad at doing effects so I use assests/plug in that makes it simple... Also u can checkout other games on this site and take ideas and then add ur own touch and tweeks.