Diversifiers are additional challenges you choose to inspire your team with further limitations on the jam. You are not required to use any diversifiers, but you may use any number that you like.
8 Bits - Use limitations from a specific 8-bit console, such as the NES, Sega Master System, or Game Boy
Anti Chromatic - Use shades of a single hue for all artwork
Bichromatic - Use only two colors
By the Hand - Use only hand-drawn art
Color Blind Friendly - Use options, modes, or a general design that accommodates color blindness
Cooperative Competition - Opposing sides work together toward a shared goal
Defiance - Go out of your way to avoid using the theme, or do something opposite from it
Doing Your Part - Contribute at least one asset from the game to https://opengameart.org/
Educational - Players learn a real-world skill or concept
Everything is Tiny - Limit sprites and tiles to 8x8 pixels
Hearing is Believing - Make the game playable without visuals
Hidden Secrets - Include secret items, rooms, or features (include a spoiler document for people who can’t find them)
In a Song - The game is as long as a single backing music track
Infinity - The game never ends
Mobile - Build a version for mobile (you still need a Windows/web version)
Music Generation - There’s no preconstructed music track; instead, sound effects from gameplay become music
My Own Noise - Record all sound effects yourself
Old Music - Use your own take on public domain music from 30+ years ago
One Button - When two buttons are too many.
Quick Run - A casual run of the game takes no more than 5 minutes
Shapely - All visuals are basic shapes in solid colors
Symmetry - All visuals are symmetric
Theme Party - Use a theme from a past 8 Bits to Infinity jams in addition to the main theme
Toolmaker - Build and release an editor or other game-related tool along with the game
Transcend Language - The game has no text (other than title and credits)
Two Button - Use only two buttons for input
Who Needs Pixels - Use a ridiculously low resolution for the game (16x16 or below)