Hello I completely forgot to make a devlog here, I've been maintaining one over here. I actually started making everything super late, so my original plan on releasing a full game halved to making a working demo. This is my first game jam, and honestly this is the first time in any of my many unfinished projects where I came as far as I have. I'm busy most of the day with work so I am working as hard as I can, especially since I get distracted easily haha. I have poor time management. orz
Well anyways my game project is called Paranormal Alice, main character is Alice of course, where she is hanging out at her friends work place and they all decided, in the demo there will only be 1 of her friends since poor time management, to tell ghost stories. Each of Alice's story will be a chapter each, as I want to keep the game light hearted with no death upon game over.
Finished Alice's walking sprite, alongside her 1 friends. I need to make at least 3 more to make the demo playable, but they are NPC's not related to Alice but for the actual first chapter.
I made her sprite, and her friend's, in Graphic's Gale.
Finished both Alice's and her friend's portraits. Spent a long time figuring out how to format the window skin for the chat box and menus, was surprisingly hard to figure out what I wanted.
I made the background entirely in Graphic's Gale, along with the window skin.
Finished the first map, with super basic lines and no shading to ensure I don't have to do too much for the first chapters maps so I can at least get them done for the demo. It took awhile to figure out how to parallax in RPG Maker VX Ace. I've never been able to do it as smoothly as I have done it here before.
Figured out how to make my cute game have some atmosphere haha. Also realized I wanted a more simple menu and a name box.
I next plan on working quickly on a game over screen and the main menu for when you start up the game. Still I'm trying to reach my only goal of "Finish a working game demo." Oh also the story in the demo actually happened to my brother, or parts of it have.