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nadia nova

A member registered Dec 12, 2015 · View creator page →

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try the new 1.04 now hopefully that helps :0

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thanks for writing this. i can see the title now

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anyone glancing down at the comments wondering  if they should hit download or not, i highly recommend doing so. especially doing so without reading any further than this just to have your own experience first.

big spoilers below............




i dont know if its my own reaction or if it was exactly the intended point, but the presentation of the game really put a pause on me. its not uncommon for people to upload projects with bizarre presentations and it is natural to want to put your time where you assume it will be well spent. theres an overwhelming amount of things to do in life and only so much time. thats not really the fault of anyone i think.

still starting from teh first menu choice i had no intent to understand waht the protagonist was truly saying. maybe its the autism but i am not the kind of person to understand metaphors so my first instinct is to just immediately give up. i prefer stories that are literal just the same way i want my friends to say what they mean directly to me

it was the blocked out choices, and the menu options that were actually the honest sincere truth yet were misinterpreted by the shrink as more metaphors that forced me to slow down. around the time of the therapist scene this really clicked with me, instead of seeing her as the odd one, and as an extension the whole game and its unusual presentation, as i continued reading more it further established my understanding of the protagonist and my read on the story.

she is struggling to fit into this world and facing unreasonable expectations. the bold collage art decisions and flashing animated backgrounds are recontextualized to be her point of view. the world is a scary jumbled mess of mismatched parts and she stands out and does not fit in. 

especially as someone who is often the one the world feels judgemental towards, especially as someone who considers herself an understanding person, and especially as someone who goes out of her way to seek out wanting to see the good in indie visual novels made by new faces,i dont want to be judgemental.  if that was the point, well done. it really was effective on me.

even without me starting this story with this hostile view, the dialogue is sincere and real, and the metaphors painfully appropriate. it is a story that feels impactful and relatable. 

we would all be better off if we were more like the carpenter. thanks for sharing this

thank you. im happy to hear this and steam decision was for exactly this reason..!

thank you! likewise! games like yours have been contributing to my inspiration to polish my recent projects...! i look forward to seeing trophies c:

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uhhhhh... uhhh... can i get a.. uhh can i get a little sister with no pickles please...? and a large coke


i still keep thikning about this. been a while since i read it and i keep coming back to this masterpiece

i love the limbo this all takes place in.. nothing is real to the point where it is real again. the soundtrack was well picked to elevate the atmosphere. thanks for writing this

this is really pretty. ive been there. thank you for making this

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brilliant absolutely soggy pathetic useless protagonist she is amazing. i fuck with it

this story certainly went in directions i was not expecting. im impressed by the characterisation of everyone, even side chars seemed like theres depth to them waiting to be explored. quite liked the hype battle sequences even tho they were only text

ps.crystal and vivi are so cute. love them sm </3

this was such a wonderful game. i just loved the comic style presentation it really worked so well. it helped built the *everything happening so fast* moment to be even more impactful. straight up sex pvp. 

funny, hot and emotional. amazing combination

ps. i would also sniffa

android :) go dl it

ok android build out

absolutely enthranced after just the first 60 seconds with this incredibly impactful opening. i love how lively all the art and sprites look and the combination of the pixel backgrounds and atmospheric music really immersed me in this world.

neginé and selene are such a joy to watch interact, everything from the chats to the killing.

also liliana is cute, just wanted to put that out there

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gay angels stuck in teh rain together.........

i really loved the visual presentation of the backgrounds and the more elaborate effects of ripped pieces. i feel bad for hte OG pieces but they died for a good reason u_u the chars are very cute i quite like how their personalities click and clash.  having a relationship involve a 3rd person and the past is an angle i quite like seeing, those emotions are very real

when i finished hte 'bad' ending first, i felt like completing the other one really recontextualised that in a way that made my brain feel good. the final scene was very impactful for me.

thanks for makign this wonderful lil game!

wasnt easy to make for this project. ill try to add one this week but no guarantees

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i have uploaded new builds taht should fix this problem. you and anyone else who had this issue try again now with the 1.02 versions

if anyoen still has issues keep me updated

helll yeaaaa!! SO GOOD

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for the purpose of the jam, the only mandatory aspect is queer characters with mental problems. essentially it just boils down to, if you personally feel like including the fashion subculture or not in your designs. so dont feel forced to unless its something youd already want to do

such a painful letter. i quite like how despite us never getting her perspective, each new paragraph overlays my own experience to how she might be feeling by the time she reads this. how our childhood is the sum of parts that are out of our control- it is scary

heres the link to the server

"visual novel" genre definition is rather vague and ultimately it is up to the reader to decide what they consider a visual novel. for the purpose of the jam, as long as the part which is the visual novel style text progression feels like the most significant portion of the game, it still counts as a visual novel despite having hybrid elements from other genres.

ye, browser based is fine too. as long as it is playable on all win,linux and mac



cant believe the jam host made this apolitical submission political by disqualifying it

even in the little prologue theres an overwhelming about of little things to read and do. i got so quickly immersed and lost in this medical scifi world, greatly relating to our poor protagonist. i need to learn more about these girls. i want to see them struggle and thrive

the visual aesthetic and the audio work is just incredible. i love me some break beats and the simple effect of animated backgrounds is just perfect

i look forward to the future

I really enjoyed getting to experience this day of Ash's and Ven's life. The little adventure and the connection they shared was such a wonderful time and reading stories like this where I can relate to both characters makes me so happy. The pixel art is really great and lively too. Just an all around positive experience. Thanks for making this!

The theme of taking fate to your own hands really speaks to me, the constant balance of hard grind against the harsh reality and finding the time to sincerely enjoy one another made this into a really beautiful story. Especially combined with the music and visuals, wonderful work. Thank you for making this.

i would appreciate if it was posted directly in english since its a jam set up for the english speaking community, but its not really a strict requirement

i can feel your love for your soft plushie family. hug them all for me too. thanks for sharing

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i would encourage everyone to aim to submit full projects, however if there isnt enough time, demos and unfinished works are allowed. so i would encourage you to try and make a game, alone or join/make a team  instead of just wanting to submit the art

little mage big spanking

the beginning was so claustrophobic and nerve wracking. im so proud of her. this was amazing

im tearing up over here. thanks for making this

thank you for the writeups, this was really interesting to read. i love learning more about what went down behind hte scenes of a project i loved. it really sounds like you all had a wonderful environment to make this game in and it shows c:

art about art and existing. yeah you've really nailed it. im glad the two guys can create together now. thank you for sharing this

thank u ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶