Hi, my name is Laurence and I'm making a shmup! I have very little experience with making games but it's something I really want to get into, so I thought this would be a good chance to start a project I've been nursing for a while! I've been a longtime fan of the Touhou series of games and I wanted my first game to be a love letter to them.
Premise: Maiya, a merchant captain infamous for her debauchery and corruption, is killed at sea when a massive sea-dragon destroys her ship. Finding herself before the devil in Hell, Maiya is admonished for her sins, forced to accept her fate to an eternity of torment. As two demons take her by the arms, Satan stops them and offers her a deal: should Maiya be able to defeat her seven servants and regain her virtue, she shall be returned to life, although not in her current form. She accepts, and is transformed into a dragon--her true self, according to the devil--before being turned loose into Wrath's arena to begin her trial.
Immediate goals:
- player movement, hold shift for slower movement
- player shot
- enemy character, with at least one movement and attack pattern
- in-game gui, with score, life, etc counter
- health indicator for boss
- score system, gain for grazing bullets, hitting boss, and finishing an attack pattern
- lives system and game over/restart screen
- system to save and display hi-score
- simple bomb (dragon breath) system (clear all bullets on screen)