More progress! I need to update the health (and bomb) bar GUI to hopefully make it a little easier to change, add a health bar for the boss, and a game over/play again screen! Also stop the player from moving while despawned and then respawning at the bottom of the screen. :>
- player movement ☑, hold shift for slower movement ☑
- player shot ☑
- enemy character ☑, with at least one movement ☑ and attack pattern ☑
- in-game gui, with score, life, etc counter ☑ (needs to be cleaned up) ☐
- health indicator for boss ☐
- score system ☑, gain for grazing bullets ☐, hitting boss ☑, clearing bullets ☑ (the bullets clear when it is defeated), and finishing an attack pattern ☐
- lives system ☑ and game over/restart screen ☐
- system to save and display hi-score ☐
- simple bomb (dragon breath) system (clear all bullets on screen) ☐
- tweak player death/respawn mechanics ☐
Once these are all done I'll set some loftier goals. :)