Hi everyone :D Our team is made up of ZDelta47 (code), lemonlemon (design), Rneuma (sound), ZiCKeZaCKe (code) and myself megang (art).
We are making a first person 3D puzzle game in Unity with a kind of Journey to the Center of the Earth (jungle/underground/ruins) theme and aesthetic. We're going to have a low-poly look. It is currently called 'Escape!' though could change as we get further along in the development process. We are incorporating the theme of water into our puzzles by having some type of raising water levels that adds tension for the player to complete the puzzle before they are consumed by the water and have to restart the puzzle. We came up with various puzzle ideas and are working on figuring out a story and path for our game to take. The puzzles we are making are unique and non-intuitive. We took inspiration from games like Anti-Chamber.
Some pictures of work we've done so far and will have more to add later:
Rough design of the game by lemonlemon
Rising water and water look by ZiCKeZaCK
Let us know what you think! Excited to see what cool stuff everyone else is making.