This is the Devlog of Atai, a game about the martial art Atai, or Way of the Formal Neckwear.
I'm working on this project with a friend and we both want to get into game development, so I figured this would be a great way to test the waters. We are learning everything basically from scratch, we have some coding and design experience, but in short this is our test run to see how we work as a team and what we should focus on going forward as game devs.
We're starting with unity because it has strong 2D support, and experience with Unity should give us some good practice for future game use and options. The game should have a simple polygon style and a semi-decent combat gimmick. We'll see how it goes!
First step is to watch some unity tutorials and see what we can do with that, along with a design doc that should be up and shared like the day after the jam starts. We want to see if we can incorporate the theme, once we figure out what it is.
Let us know if you have any thoughts! We appreciate all feedback!
Signing off,