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Me, Myself and the other 3

A topic by o5v3 created Jul 05, 2019 Views: 446 Replies: 13
Viewing posts 1 to 11

Hello everyone! I'm o5v3 and this is my first time creating a game, so i'm very excited for it! I'm not very creative so this is fairly simple, but I still want to see what I can do! My game is called...

Me, Myself and the other 3


Me, Myself and the other 3 is a RPG with a puzzle element added to it. It's central theme is based on the jam's theme "Pride", and it's inspired by deconstructive games such as Undertale and Spec Ops: The Line.


Me, Myself and the other 3 is based around 3 words: RPG, Pride and Sabotage. It's a RPG where the monster-slaying and quest-clearing is relegated to second priority, while the main goal of the game is to acquire as much "Glory" or "Pride" as you can at the expenses of your teammates.

Plot (All names are subject to change)

In the world of Ivaliceorzeatlantilemurinarnia, there's a clan of adventurers called "The Golden Throne". An ambitious name for what essentially is a group of 4 teens who just graduated from their guilds and want to live adventures. The clan has a collective goal that is shared by all of its members: "Help those in need and become famous and respected in the process"... Well, shared by everyone except for one, Rayna:

"Why do I have to share my authority and respect with them? They should be serving and looking up to me! If there's someone who deserves being at the top, it's me! and I'll prove it to them, I'll prove them that in this clan it's not We, it's Me, Myself and the other 3!"


There're 2 main gameplay sections:

  • Free Time: In this section, you can prepare for the missions, organize the clan, talk to your members, gather info and take place in events.
  • Quest Time: In this section, you'll be thrown into a battle with a certain win condition, be it defeat the boss or deal x amount of damage in a turn, etc.

"Sounds like every RPG ever!"

That's right! Because I haven't explained the main mechanic of the game:

The Pride System

You win the game by having a certain amount of pride at the end of the story, and the ending you get changes based on the amount of pride you have, with the better endings being at a high amount. You get pride based on your current money, the value of your items, the value of your equipment and by doing certain things at the 2 sections:

  • Free Time: During free time, there'll be events where you'll be presented with a choice. Its consequences will be fairly obvious, but there's a catch: In this game, you're allowed to be as avaritious as you want, your own guilt is your own limit! (A hermit comes and asks for a donation, you can give him money and gain pride for the good action, refuse and keep the pride the money gives you... Or you can give him the money and, once everyone congratulates you; gives you your pride and leaves, you can steal the money from the hermit, gaining pride both from the money and from the "good action"!). Also, because your so-called "teammates" are getting in your prideful way, you can give yourself a little "advantage" (An important fight is coming up? It'll be a shame if someone sneaked into the Mage's room and stealed all his magic books...).
  • Quest Time: When you're in battle, "Defeat the boss" becomes a secondary objective (That's why those so-called "teammates" are for, after all), the primary goal is "Be the center of attention, doing the most in the battle while you drag down your teammates at the same time.". You'll gain pride by: Doing the most damage, giving the finishing blow, receiving the most damage, healing the most damage, reviving allies and many more. Of course, your other "friends" couldn't care less about who gives the finishing blow, but that's why they're dangerous! They could finish the boss before you! Because of that, you have a special set of abilities on top of your normal ones: The Pride Abilities. They're actions that benefit you but are detrimental to the group as a whole (For example, you could use "Steal money" this turn and, if the boss attacks this turn, you'll use the distraction to steal money from a teammate! Or you could use "Surprise" on that healer who's about to heal the whole party, then you'll attack the boss while "accidentally" falling over her, causing her magic to fail and giving YOU a chance to heal the party yourself!)

I'm not good in the artistic department and internet fails constantly where I live, but I can't wait to start doing something with this concept! Good luck to y'all!

Dunno why everyone is grabbing the 2nd post,but if everyone is doing it, then why not?

I got very excited reading this idea! It's a new and interesting  take on RPGs, and it should provide different strategies and ways of thinking about typical RPG gameplay! 

Are you planning on making this in RPG Maker or in a different game engine? I know RPG Maker 5 has a ton of free assets you can use,  including a character maker. 

Can't wait to play! Good luck!

Thanks! I just wanted to make a simple RPG, so I'm glad someone is interested in the concept!

I'm going to use Godot. RPG Maker would give me an easier time and it's more practical, but I like challenges and I want to practice in a game engine that can do any tipe of game, not just RPGs.

(But I could REALLY use those free assets xD)

I don't see why you couldn't! You'd have to get a copy of RPG Maker 5, but it exports the sprites as PNG files, so you could literally just use it as a character drawer, not to mention use the marketplace to get some rad assets.

Really? I didn't know that! Thanks! I'll go download it right away, this'll help me A BIG LOT!

Ooo this sounds neat !! Good luck !!


Personally--I wouldn't worry too much about grabbing "second posts" because it'll make the thread a little confusing to read time-wise and it won't bump your thread when you edit it!

Anyway this is such a thorough design--I really like how much detail you went into for this. I think it might be good to think of ways to make this scope-able--either up or down. Since you've outlined a lot of features and ideas you have a lot to pick from, and I think it'll be pretty straightforward to pick a handful of key points from each design element to focus on and develop. This is really thoughtful overall--I'd love to see more!

[Day 1: 05/07/2019]

Yeah, let's start this! I was very busy today, having to travel and all that, but I managed to squeeze some work into the game:

I couldn't stop thinking about the game during the journey, so I made (to the best of my abilities) a piece of concept artwork of the protagonist, Rayna

Here it is! (Hand-drawn, just traced over with paint for clarity).

Once I actually had some free time, I immediately started with the organizing part

Overly-complicated diagram

That out of the way, I started coding on Godot... and the problem that plagued me all this time attacked again: I could program all I wanted, but without art assets, it'd be impossible to see if it worked or not! So, I decided to grab some placeholder art from OpenGameArt and started working. At this time, I have the player character with collision and walking animations.

Godot Screenshot

I could do more, but it's 1 AM and I have to sleep so, Good Night!

PD: Animations are both harder and easier than I thought :P

Lovin the concept and scope of this project I wish you luck! Cant wait to see what you do with this



[Day 2: 06/07/2019]

Hello again! Today, I decided to implement the coding structure: Because Godot works through scenes, nodes and scripts, one can neatly organize all game elements in various scenes that can be reutilized and modified... or you can be like myself, keeping them all in one folder and making a mess, hahaha.

I already got the foundations and placement of the Main Menu, the Free Time UI and the Conversation UI, only needing to sprite them. Also, I implemented a (pretty barebones and not at all optimized) save system (Complicated way of saying "Reading and writing from a JSON file") that doesn't have anything to save right now but will help me in the future.

After doing that, I decided to grab all needed assets in one swipe so I don't have to worry about them later, so I did exactly that! I followed KaiserWurm advice and downloaded Game Character Hub to make the sprites, as of writing I have the sprites of all 4 main characters, walking animations for them and Portraits for the Conversation and Free Time Menu UI. I was also going to make tilesets for the map, but I immediately knew there's no way I could do an entire tileset in this time while also coding the game, so I grabbed some tilesheets from OpenGameArt and, if I finish the game and still got time, they'll be replaced by some custom-made sprites. (So, now I have the tilesets for the City, the Buildings and Dungeons). 

Note: I just remembered that I need enemy sprites too... Well, they can wait.

Oh, and while I was searching and making assets an Idea came up to me! Because Godot isn't an RPG specialized engine but rather an engine for real-time games, I decided to make a "Chrono Trigger-like" battle system: The player will be in Free Time, they'll accept the quest, they'll go to a place either in the city, in the outskirts or the dungeon and the enemy will be there, but when the battle starts they won't just teleport to a "Battle Arena" with a background of the area and a side-view battle. Instead, The party, still in the Free Time world, will just get into their battle positions and the Battle Time UI will appear, so the only difference between Free Time and Battle Time will be the UI and the actions since they will take place in the same "screen" or "world". (Also, it will make it easier for me, because the only thing I have to change is the UI and the controls :P)

Now that I have the assets and the general game flow, tomorrow I'm gonna start with the mapping!

[Day 4 08/07/2019]

Hi everybody! Yesterday I was a little busy, so I dedicated this entire day for the project... Well no, that's a hyperbole, but I did a lot of things today.

First of all, a Main menu!

The buttons are still non-functional though, but I'm still working on the gameflow, so it isn't a priority right now.

But that's not all I did...

I also did mapping!

Right now, I have:

  • The City
  • The Clan Base
  • The Castle
  • Protagonist's House

Of course, my maps are all but perfect, so any criticism or suggestions are appreciated!

Oh, and I forgot, I also set up the tilesets I'll be using, and the outdoors one has collissions. And, now the camera follows the player around.

Also, I have made the bases for a certain surprise I have planned. It's not something big, but I like how it seems in my mind so it's worth giving a try and, if it works out, I'll have something that could help me in future projects. (It has to do with the "Chrono Trigger-like" battle system I mentioned before)

Tomorrow, coding the battle system! Damage formulas, stats, health. If time allows it, I'll also set up the walking and Battle UI and as a stretch goal, Make some progress in the actual battle flow (Ability animations, Magic)

PD: As before, any criticism or suggestions are welcome, that's why we're doing this game jam after all! (Also for the time limit that gives us the impulse to finish a game, but you know what I mean).


awesome! i can't wait to see how your mapping will look. it'd be cool as well to see character art you get out of game character hub.

[Day 6 10/07/2019]

Whew, these last updates were really separated. Well, that happens when you just decide to enter a game jam in 5 minutes :P. Anyways, the Battle system proved to be a pretty BIG problem. Why? Because of Godot's node structure: I managed to do a Turn order queue using the order of the nodes in the scene tree and a basic battle system with only an "attack" action... and then everything went downhill. 

As it turns out, Godot's implementation of nodes wasn't as I initially thought: I thought that the nodes acted as Objects in Python, in that they were blueprints that could be kept outside of the scene tree and could be instanced on the scene with possible variations within 2 similar instances... Instead, the nodes are more like Hard-coded objects that need to be in the scene tree in order to be recognized as anything (For example, I wanted to make 2 arrays: One for buildings on the outside and one for buildings on the inside. The 2 are mutually exclusive and, because of that, the nodes that make up the 2 arrays can't exist at the same time. If I want to make the 2 arrays, I need them all to be in the scene, but because they're exclusive and Godot doesn't recognize them outside of the scene, then I can't make them).

Because the system was giving me such trouble, I decided to go for something I'm comfortable with: Python. I tinkered around and, in 20 minutes, I had a battle system that worked far better than the one I had in Godot. So, with a familiar reference at hand, I went to translate it into Godot... And the problems started again:

1) Godot wants you to make your scripts as independent as possible, and that's good and I support it!... What I don't support is that it doesn't let you run a scene just because you called a method on a function argument. I mean, I know "target" doesn't support that method yet because it's a theorethical argument! Obviously, when I call that function, "target" will have that method, so why do you mark it as an error?

2) Godot and Python have a difference when it comes to running scripts and input: In Python, calling an Input () will pause all the script until the input is passed. In Godot, the script will continue while waiting for the input. Ok, that's fine! That's why you use Yield (), right? Wrong! Because if you use Yield (player.attack (target), "completed"), then it will throw an error because the first argument must be an Object, even though it is an object with a method call. Seeing that, I made a wrapper that called the method and returned thr object without the call, and guess what? Another error! Because it returned an object with no instruction, there was nothing to "complete" and the "completed" signal couldn't be sent. Great. Now, I was getting angry, so I decided to do some li'l old Hardcoding and, inside the wrapper, manually emitted the signal just before returning the object. To nobody's surprise, there was an error. You know why? Because Yield () couldn't understand how a "completed" signal could be sent before finishing the function...*sigh*

All in all, I still think there's a solution somewhere in google or in the docs that will make everything way easier, and my opinion of Godot being a great game engine hasn't changed, it's just that it shows that I need to investigate my tools in more depth and that coding can be a little challenging, specially if you're moving from one language to another.

PD: If anyone knows a solution to my problem, how to instance scenes from .tscn files, how to get nodes outside of scene or how to make functions and Yield () not hate me everytime I use a method, please help me!

PD2: I would post some of the sprites right now, but I just shut off the PC so it'll have to wait until tomorrow :/