Finished... Kinda...
So, guys. I finish. Not the game, but the jam. There is much left to do, but I had a good time, working alongside you. It was amazing to see all the progress, feel the struggles and see many amazing games emerge from nothing. I was so impressed, you guys are amazing. I feel I pretty much look pale against y'all, but I learned a lot and I got farther mith my idea.
I learned especially a lot of HTML, CSS and Javascript, which is pretty cool. And I had a pretty good project management.
On the other hand I did not have many time to draw though... so it still looks kinda strange. And I underestimated my workload so hard!!
But that's it. Unfortunately my game is very rough, so I decided to not make it playable, but only make a preview:
(sorry for the bad quality... my mic and screen capture software are not so good...)
Wishing you the best, you guys!!!
Day 5-8
No time for nothing - a lot of ideas and I know a little bit more where I'm headed.
Unfortunately I have few time and a lot of chaos in my life right now. The last days I could not do much. I wrote more story, since I had some ideas at my dull part time job :P. I fixed the soundbug, it was not really a bug... Also I began with my skill stats system. I am leaning more to a stat management game. Something that feels a lot like a P&P. In a visual novel style.
I'm so faaar from finished. As for the last days I'd like to make
- day 1 completely playable
- make a menu screen that looks okay
- upgrade all the scetches in the game to ... sketches Lvl 2.
- make a promo video that explains the game mechanics.
last but no least, have some more sketchy as hell screenshots.
- a weird job interview to determine the character stats
- Mr Standert (who is also my size standard for character sprites) will not stand for any injustice, but he stands here as a stand in for a street musician in the park. Outstanding.
There goes my last brain cell ~~~~~~~~~ . . . . . . . . . . . .
See you!
Day 3 -4
I am having a good time. But I noticed now to what extent I cannot make this project in time. My project management software tells me I have 72 tasks left. ahahaaa... Well, I never expected to finish this anyway, only tried to see how far I can get.
I drew some more artwork and wrote a bit more story, so here are some screenshots and stuff:
-new menu screen
- some choices and a lot of unfinished artwork, sigh
-more unfinished stuff, yay

-and I now have a nasty system bug. Lol... all because I wanted to adjust the music volume temporarily... That's gonna get nasty....
But I'm not giving this up, just yet.
Day 2
Today was a busy day. I didn't make much... I played around creating music with my loop library and I made a youtube channel, so I could preview what kind of music will be in the game. And it sounds like thissss:
Since I'm not a professional... anything...
I'd love any feedback...
Day 1
Hi Folks,
welcome to my struggle of getting this game out of my head and into the world:
it's a start. This is the first time I ever published something for this game. It is faaar from finished, but for the game jam I decided to update it as often as possible.
I guess I'll use the next less than two weeks to review almost daily what I have done and what I still need to do, what to do next and what to skip for now. For me it's a way to manage and control all the workload - a task, where I have failed epicly many times before. But not this time (maybe) If somebody finds this Devlog and finds it entertaining or even helpfull the better. :] so let's get started.
What i have made so far
- some concept art, some buttons and other small stuff.

- an almost working menu structure. Most of it works... (guess what, the buttons go into the circles)
- some recordings, but none if it is quiet perfect. I need to re-record some stuff.
Buuuut I had a major breakthrough this week. I finally figured out how to have the cursor in Tyranobuilder become what I want it to, instead of the pointer, when hovering over a normal branch button. Yeeeees!!! It took me almost two weeks of reading code, randomly changing variables in important looking system files, beginning to learn javascript/Html/CSS and finally finding a solution in a mix of many forum posts that tried similar things... now this cursor changes to
I'm so happy, yay!
To Do
- character sprites
- re-record some music
- write more story, maybe 2 routes
- figure out choices and consequences
- figure out a kind of skill system
- figure out a config page in tyranobuilder
- find a way to produce background art faster, that still looks good, hopefully even better than my shit... xP
- keep cool...
And then...
- maybe make an energy bar
- implement a money system
- make 7 character routes
- image gallery items
- achievments
- more endings
- ...
- will it ever end?
I hope I am doing everything right so far. Tell me, if I did something, it's my first jam. O.o