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[Devlog] Milkman of the Milky Way

A topic by Radicalest created Jan 08, 2017 Views: 1,113 Replies: 13
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This is the developer log for Milkman of the Milky Way

Concept: You are a milkman delivering milk in the Milky Way galaxy.

Engine: Gamemaker: Studio


Day 1 Saturday January 7th, 2017:

On day 1 I worked on the movement of the space ship which is working a lot like the original asteroids movement after a couple hours of work. The circles with a white outlines are filler images for planets.

I also worked on being able to send milk to planets but it is still a work in progress.

I also added fuel which may or may not be removed depending on future feedback.

All sprites and anything shown in todays devlog are subject to change.

Tomorrow I will work on set delivery routes which you can choose.


This is a really cool unique concept! I'm excited to see more.


ohhh this looks fun to handle already and i'm crying the name + concept are really cute. i can't wait to see more!


Day 2 Sunday January 8th, 2017:

On day 2 I got quite a lot done and the beginnings of choosing a route thing, but before I get into that system I had to ask myself a question about how milk should be delivered. I had two ideas for delivering milk; launching it towards the planet from space or going down on the planet and selling it door to door. I made a diagram in paint to show the ideas.

I've only gotten feedback from two people, but they seem to like going down to the planet more than launching the milk from space which was shown on day 1. So for now I'm going with the landing on the planet, but any feedback is appreciated.

In the game when at your milk base you can access a menu to choose a planet to sell milk at. After selecting a job it displays an arrow on screen pointing towards the planet you need to sell milk at. The green bar at top is the fuel.

You can of course go down onto the planets now, but none of their surfaces are designed. Giving milk to people on the planets isn't finished yet. The whole landing on planets is a work in progress.

So that is it for day 2 I would have worked on it more, but I have school work to do that has a higher importance than game developing.

All sprites and anything shown are in day two's devlog are subject to change.

During week days I'm at school the most of the day so game development will slow down, but tomorrow I plan on working on the delivery route job system more.


This is looking really good! I also like the selling door to door idea.


Day 3 Monday January 9th, 2017:

Not much was done today because of school taking up from 7 am to 3 pm then homework. However, it is a bit my fault for procrastinating, but you're not here to read about my procrastination you're here to read about what I have done. Tonight I had started work on making music for the game, but I had only done it once and terribly. So, I spent a couple hours trying to use FL Studio, but nothing sounded right. I'll have to try again some other day during this jam. I'll try to resume programming tomorrow in order to make actual progress. This devlog was pointless, but I wanted to document everyday of this jam regardless of how much was done.

The next couple of days will be spent with programming again.


Day 4 Tuesday January 10th, 2017:

Today I continued to work on making a song for the game, and ended up with something ok. After that I worked on improving how you deliver mail to people's houses. You just walk up to their welcome mat and press a button placing down the milk. I also improved the walking on the planet so it's less like driving the spaceship, but with friction and more like walking in typical top down games.

In the job menu after choosing a job if you deliver enough milk to the planet you chose you'll get paid for your work. This means it is not a good idea to deliver milk to a planet you haven't selected for your job, but houses may give you a tip if they aren't on from your job planet. Credits will be usable in a shop found in the place as the job menu. In the shop you'll be able to restock on fuel, and in the future there will be other things you can buy such as speed upgrades or an upgrade that makes you use less fuel.

All sprite and anything shown in todays devlog are subject to change.

Tomorrow I will work on a shop where you can use the credits.


This is such a clever idea, I love it! I really like how you can go into all of the planets and deliver milk from there. I'm excited to see the new shop feature tomorrow, best of luck implementing it!


Day 5 Wednesday January 11th, 2017:

Today I got a late start but still got a decent amount of work done on the shop. I mostly worked on being able to set the price of objects in the store, and had little to no problems making it. The number next to refuel is the price, and I'll make that more apparent later.

The shop box is a little short in width and I may increase it's width to allow longer words. I also may change the font used in Refuel and Earth as they both aren't fonts but drawn in Gamemaker's built in sprite editor, and I'm not sure I'll be able to stay consistent with my writing. It works as expected taking credits and refueling ship to full. I made the price and action easily changeable, so all that is left is add stuff to the shop menu, but it's late so that comes tomorrow.

All sprites and anything shown in today's devlog are subject to change.

Tomorrow I will try to work on more realistic prices and stuff to add to the shop.


Day 8 Saturday January 14th, 2017:

Today I started working on the job menu to make it easier to add jobs and items to the shop. I also worked on making it easier to fail other than running out of fuel, and I did that by adding health to both the ship and milkman. The milkman's health will be affected by running out of oxygen because some planets don't have a breathable atmosphere, so you'll have to buy a space suit from the shop. The milkman can also be damaged by things on the planet such as dogs on Earth. There are other people on Earth too that will just walk around, but you can't interact with them yet.

Nothing can damage the spaceship yet, but I plan on adding asteroids that will damage the spaceship if hit too hard. I was also thinking of adding space pirates in certain parts of space that will shoot at the ship, and you'll need to buy weapons from the shop to arm your space ship. However, while I haven't add anything to damage the ship I have added something with the job menu I replaced the font with something not hand drawn now I can quickly add new jobs and shop items.

I also added the job to deliver milk to some of the few colonists on the moon in order to test out oxygen and the spacesuit.

All sprites and anything shown in todays devlog are subject to change.

Tomorrow I will work on dangers to the spaceship.


ohhh the additional dangers are kind of a neat mechanic! the shop menu is looking good also




Final Day Friday January 20th 2017:

While there is still one day left I decided to end the development process now. So over the past view days I've been adding things such as asteroids that destroy your ship, and planets that rotate the sun. Both these things are done and good. However, the game isn't very fun, and is very much just repetitive, so I've decided to finish it up in a state I'm proud of. The main central hub in space starts to lag after a while of being in it, so next game I make I'll have to figure out how to optimize. Overall I'm happy of the product as it is the first attempt at a bigger scale game, but it didn't turn out so well as it is just one solar system with the 8 planets. This has been the Milkman of the Milky Way devlog hope you enjoy the game.