Day 1:
Before the Jam, I started brainstorming for my project, now dubbed C3 - Crazy Cat Collector. This game will be a simple platformer where the player takes control of the Crazy Cat Collector, and attempts to capture as many cats as possible, bringing them back to her box. She will have to use a combination of platforming, as well as various skills to move the cat to her box, as simply carrying them all the way there will not work -- cats never cooperate.
Day 1, sadly, was spent mostly working at my job, so I didn't get to do much actual work on the game.
When I finally got home, I threw together some 'programmer-art' placeholders, and started work on the basic platforming engine. I've got collision working, some basic jumping and moving around.
I assure you, the graphics are [probably] not representative of the final product. I hope.
Other than that, tomorrow is another day! I'll be keeping up the Devlog here every day (I hope) to show my progress over the next 2 weeks. Feel free to comment, I'm always open to answering questions!