Day 5 (Late):
Day 5 has been... fun.
I went into Day 5 with two main goals:
- Implement the Allergy Symptoms
- Create a Win Condition
I wouldn't have complained if I had done more, but at the bare minimum, I did both of these things.
I have implemented Sneezing as the primary allergy symptom, though I still want to do more with that... possibly.
And I have implemented an end-level condition (though I intend to refine it a bit before release, obviously).
For now, the end condition is a mere door that appears when you have captured all the cats in this level.
Below, I have a GIF (my longest yet) of completing the test level, sneezing and end-screen included!
With Day 5 over, we have less than 10 days until the end of the Jam. I feel like I'm making good progress.
Tomorrow, I'd like to work on some more art, hopefully.
Until then, thanks for reading!