Day 1 -
In Tiled, I created all the color combinations for the Codepage 437 font tilesheets. There's 16 colors and for each of them there's 15 possible combinations. (ie dark blue background, cyan text - black background, white text, etc) It was pretty long and tedious though some might have considered the process "meditative." Unfortunately, I wasn't one of those people. I'm glad it's done though!
4 examples of Codepage 437 color combinations
After that I imported them as tiles to use in creating a spritesheet for the objects/misc in my first scenes(s). They are variations of things found in a house like walls, tables, chairs, floors, refrigerator. This is when I also decided on the colors I'd use for the rooms. In addition I added a few sets of text characters as I had an idea of possibly including a computer screen menu mechanic where the character can view stuff on their computer.
The first spritesheet (house)
Google maps is pretty amazing. I've decided to base the setting of the game on an actual place and I just took a whole bunch of screenshots while dragging my mouse up and around the location then putting the images together in a collage. It looked mashed up and wild though it's useful for the next steps.
Partial Crop of the full collage.
After finishing the collage, I went back to Tiled and worked on a menu. It's currently a black background with white characters for now though I might change it in the future. (perhaps just in post Jam?) I created a draft of the main menu and then included the basis for the map screen. I'd ideally like to have it so the map indicates where the character currently is on it though it's not a priority. In the back of my mind at all times I'm keeping myself aware that there's limited time in jams and it's more important than anything to just complete a game. In the screen I resized the Google Maps collage, did some color edits, and then pasted it down. I then used the low resolution map that I pasted to compare to the original map so I could draw in the roads and other points. I may or may not keep this version in the game because it does look pretty cool, though my intention was to use it mostly as just a reference for when creating the actual game map. I'm planning on putting more info on the right of it, like a Key or text. To me it kinda looks like it's from some old screen MS-DOS golf game, or NES The Legend of Zelda?
Left is the reference from Google Maps - Right is the game map
Yes, I do have the basic synopsis too. Tons of scribbled notes and flow of how the game should go. There are an ambitious amount of possible endings in my notes however my goal is to stick with just a few for now and implement more down the road. Not bad for a first day!
- Randall