so! this is a really late time to start a devlog, but better than never, right?
i'm wei and before jam started, i had a couple years' worth of experience in writing and art, and exactly 0 experience with rpgmaker. anyways, i've gone long enough without talking about what exactly has been going on with the game i'm working on with my boyfriend is, so i'll get right to it.
you play as an exorcist codenamed Pause in a modern-esque world where seeing ghosts and spirits about is a common occurrence. as an exorcist, it's your job to eliminate the dead so they won't hinder the living. and there's something... peculiar about pause that lets her track down spirits much more easily than others might.
one day, you track down what you think is just another exorcism only to find yourself confronted with a strange situation, followed by an unexpected series of events involving another exorcist codenamed Effect.
the finished product for game jam is just going to be a demo that hopefully introduces the battle system, basic plot, and characters. it's going to be more story than gameplay focused since i admittedly don't know as much about the rpgmaker battle system as i should, but hopefully anyone who plays it will enjoy nonetheless!
i honestly can't remember what exactly happened when, but i'll just list some stuff that we did and the times i think we did it below
days 1-3: finalized story, finalized character designs, wrote down plot summary on a google doc
days 4-7: lots of fussing around with talksprites and the script, map sketches, started on tiles
days 8-now: more talksprites, cutting back on content that'll be going into the gamejam game so as not to get overwhelmed, actual rpgmaker stuff (mapmaking, etc) that i was holding off on because of lack of assets, sprites, thinking about how things will be set up (eg switches, items, etc, etc)
more details below since this post is getting long vvv