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Artists, Please RESPOND!!!

A topic by Created by RK created Aug 06, 2021 Views: 173 Replies: 4
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I'm a Godot game developer and recently released my commercial game on Steam. I want to take a break, and use this game jam as an opportunity to develop the prototype for my next game.

I need an artist. Pixel art preferably. You'll have the full creative freedom regarding the art. If your art is good, you could continue in this project further.


I'd like to help I've been doing pixel art for about a year and I think I'm pretty good


That's great! Shall we connect on Discord. -> @i_rk_jain#3645

i have been doing pixel art for three years but i dont have discord is that ok also plz join my game jam Cookie jam 2021.1 -


Great! We can work together. How shall we connect if not discord?