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Welcome to NaGaDeMon 2020! Sticky

A topic by Tanya Floaker created Oct 27, 2020 Views: 323 Replies: 14
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Host (1 edit) (+1)

Hi all,

Welcome to NaGaDeMon! This jam is now over a decade old but only appearing here on itch for the first time this year. So the big question is always to ask what are folks planning on making? Comment below or start a whole new thread on your project. 



(1 edit) (+1)

hey! I had no idea this existed until yesterday but am happy to be participating (or trying to, anyway) for this year!

I had been planning to do a hack of Mausritter, and this seems like a good chance to get it done. Instead of mice, players play as kids in a strange land/world trying to get home. The hack is very much inspired by classic children tales and folklore (Alice in Wonderland, Neverland, etc). The main departure from the original is to replace the combat with non-violent alternatives and problem solving.

I never finish game projects so I want to try to keep it very close to the original and just put mechanics I think are neat into it. It'll be my little Frankenstein monster of sorts 馃憖

would love to hear other people's plans too!

tl;dr: im tired of wanting to play osr games but they all being so into murder so I Guess I'll Have To Fix It


Aww, that sounds awesome! I've heard of Mausritter but not read/played. What is its main mechanical shtick? Can't wait to see it unfold and hope we can play via the power of the interwebs!

would love that! besides very colorful roll tables, Mausritter has a fun spin on inventory where you actually use paper cuts to fill it, so you gotta do a bit of tetris arranging with it.  what麓s great is that conditions/consequences also come as inventory slots, and start clogging the inventory more and more if you don麓t get rid of them 


That sounds spiffy! Look forward to seeing what you do with it :)


I'm going to be working on a YZE hack focused around a Persian Myth, 'Zahak the Serpent King'.

The Game will center around trying to build a rebellion and taking back Persia province by province. 


Sweet! Do post regular progress reports here and let us know if you need playtesters :)


Hey just found this through Work With Indies Discord, I just finished a month long practice jam (I started a few days after the start) to brush off a project and fix it up. This looks like the perfect next step to keep my game on a time line to finish it!!! looking forward to the feedback and a fun community :)


Hey, glad you found us! Feel. Free to make a promo post for the Work With Indies Discord if it has a public invite link.

(2 edits) (+2)

Hello, everyone! So the game I'm making for #NaGaDeMon2020 is a cyberpunk hack of Ironsworn. It's going to be designed to be played solo with a shared "universe" with other players. You're all in different cities a la Heroes or Sense8 but you can talk to each other online through an in-world messageboard. Ironsworn is a nice fit because the idea of Assets works great for Augmentations because they're literally modular additions to your character. Of course, the huge change that I'm making is Burning Questions instead of Iron Vows. The idea is that you're a Seeker and these Questions drive play.


Oooooh, how are things goijg with this? It sounds really cool and I have already got an idea of the setting just from those mechanical ideas. Can't wait to see how it is going.


Hey, just wanted to make sure my plans are okay with the jam.  I'm used to doing NaNoWriMo, but was driven away by the horrible site redesign (which sounds shallow, I know), but I continue to work on structured writing projects in November out of sheer habit...although I'm being less structured this year than most.

Anyway, I'm working on a game right now for Yuri Jam, which is adapting the first chapter of an old novel of mine, but I've already written the bulk of the core text (in fact, I've posted it as a draft looking for feedback, if anyone wants to wade through nearly 20k words of text), so what I'm doing every day for the first part of this month is going through that text to clean it up, act on the only piece of feedback I've gotten so far, and then to look for every name, term and concept that needs to be listed in the glossary section, and then write said glossary.  (It takes place in a fusion of the real terminal Late Bronze Age and the Greek Heroic Age, so the world is a bit complex, and rooted in a lot of fairly specialized knowledge that feels like second nature to me but is probably not so well known among most people.)

I don't expect the work that game needs to take me the whole month, though.  After that, I was planning on adding a glossary to the game I did for the TWINE 10th Anniversary Jam last month, and then getting a jumpstart on a game I want to make for the Asexual or Aromantic Jam, whichever comes first.  (Or I might start working on adapting the rest of the novel into a game.  Depends what I'm feeling like when the time comes.)

So, in short, is it okay to be working on multiple games during this jam, one (or more) of which are also for other jams?


Absolutely! This is a relaxed jam. It's been said in.the past that the only good cops are the NaGaDeMon cops, and thst's because they don't exist! Whether you meet the three criteria to "win" and even what winning means is really down to you. Some take it really seriously and feel. They need to write/play/talk. About something from whole cloth only in November, while others use the month to focus something they've had kicking about but never got properly off the go. Nobody is ever a dick about it tho. We support one another to become better at our craft. 

Tldr - GO FOR IT!


OK, didn't get to the draft today but I've blocked out some time while the youngest is at playgroup to do so :)


Hi all, I've extended the submission time by 24h to allow folks to work up to the line and still submit. Remember that if you use this time to cheat then the very real NaGaDeMon police will be at your door (#ACAB).