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Do A FlipView game page

Submitted by ThisOneDev? — 18 minutes, 51 seconds before the deadline
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Use of theme#32.0002.000

Ranked from 4 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Joseph Hernandez

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Decently fun little game, though it certainly felt more like an engine test than anything else. The flip doesn't seem to do much of anything though, besides giving me a dose of motion sickness. And the theme isn't all too prevalent, although it is there in some capacity via the terrain pickups.

Overall, I think it needs work, but for what was there, I certainly enjoyed it.


I'm a big fan of platformers so I found this very enjoyable! While I wish the mouse sensitivity was just a bit higher, I overall found the game pretty fun. I am a bit confused about what the point of the namesake of the game is, the flip. I did it it in the air, thinking it might give me a boost, it did not. I tried it in all sorts of places and I'm just not sure what the point is.

The game, to my knowledge, doesn't seem to stick the theme of the game jam that well. I found it pretty fun, but there are no "strange power-ups" to be seen anywhere. I know the terrain builds as you nab those items floating around, but I'm not sure I'd call those power-ups.


I appreciate your feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed the game.

Stated in a previous comment, there is no point to the flips but to have fun. Although, it would be a good idea if I made the flip help the player in some manner.

I could see why the power ups are more progressional items rather than strange power ups. If I were to continue working on the game, what suggestions for power ups would you recommend?

No instructions on how to do anything. The jump from the yellow pillar to the next across the lava might be impossible, I couldn't make it. Perhaps save a hard jump like that for a higher level, rather than level 2 or whatever it was.

I do not like that the camera turns with the player when they flip, it makes me feel sick. Also is there any point to flipping? I thought it might give an altitude boost but it doesn't appear to help in making jumps.

This game is a good starting point, but it's barely even a prototype. It's not clear how to play or what the objective is.


Thank you for your feedback. 

The jump you mentioned should not be impossible as you can hold shift to sprint and you can double jump. You may be jumping to the wrong platform? And if the case, that is indeed on me. I agree that you should have a clue on where to go. 

There is no point to flipping but to have fun. It was purposely made to be optional, since some people may not like it. I've seen a few comments so far with a dislike towards the camera flip, so if I were to redo the game I may remove it overall.

The instructions of the game are more learning-based, kind of like the original Super Mario bros. In the game you don't know much. But you learn through playing that you can sprint, get coins from blocks, and reach a flagpole that takes you to another level. This approach was applied in my game as the player is supposed to learn the timing of the jumps, that the power ups let you progress, and the portal at the end of each level takes you to the next.

Ok maybe I'm just a noob but I never would have guessed using shift to sprint. I get that the point of the game is to learn how to play it by playing it, but perhaps you could mention the controls but not say what they do. That way the user doesn't have to press every key on the keyboard to see if it does something, just the ones you tell them to use.