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I'm a big fan of platformers so I found this very enjoyable! While I wish the mouse sensitivity was just a bit higher, I overall found the game pretty fun. I am a bit confused about what the point of the namesake of the game is, the flip. I did it it in the air, thinking it might give me a boost, it did not. I tried it in all sorts of places and I'm just not sure what the point is.

The game, to my knowledge, doesn't seem to stick the theme of the game jam that well. I found it pretty fun, but there are no "strange power-ups" to be seen anywhere. I know the terrain builds as you nab those items floating around, but I'm not sure I'd call those power-ups.

I appreciate your feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed the game.

Stated in a previous comment, there is no point to the flips but to have fun. Although, it would be a good idea if I made the flip help the player in some manner.

I could see why the power ups are more progressional items rather than strange power ups. If I were to continue working on the game, what suggestions for power ups would you recommend?