cute game. I like the soldier and the concept. I found the soldier kept getting stuck on the "bridge" pieces and didnt interact with the vertical moving platforms correctly. Perhaps a little congratulations pop up and a button that says next level would be nice when the soldier reaches wherever you determined the end of the level was. You can also set the game area to expand when you maximise the window in the Project Settings of godot (under window/stretch), although watching the soldier fall into the grey abyss is kinda funny. Still, send my congrats to Lenny, that loop was nice. It fitted the game well and i liked that when you hit engage the drum loop kicks in. Some of the art still had the godot logo visible in it which isnt the end of the world but would be an easy fix. Btw, the speed run strat for this game is definitely to press engage, pick the sodlier up with a slope piece while he's moving and just carry him to the end yourself :P. Anyway. Good job!
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Toybox Tactics's pageJudge feedback
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- What a fun concept! Using shapes and bridges to connect parts of the level together in a puzzle, but wrapped in a little toy soldier POV, love that. I had some issues with the blue boxes not taking pieces unless I hit a very specific pixel, which could be a little tricky but didn't make the game impossible to play. The little toy soldier did get stuck in some places however, which meant the time kept going and without it being my fault the soldier never made it to the end. In some instances, moving the part of the map he was on solved the issue (like hovering the mouse over a bridge to make it move slightly), but it did happen that he got jammed in a corner and never recovered — this was seemingly because he was only going in the direction towards the wall. It felt a little like cheating to drag the little soldier around with a white piece, but since it worked within the game maybe that was the intent. I was also accidentally able to throw little soldier man off the map by pushing him around using one of the building blocks, so if you want to keep that as a mechanic be careful that you make sure it won't allow anything to go through walls that shouldn't go through walls. I thought the puzzles were fun and had a good balance between introducing mechanics and increasing in difficulty, which can be hard to achieve in this type of game. The graphics were simple and served the puzzle well by not adding unnecessary details. It was nice to spend some time listening to the music and mapping out the level before watching the character make his way through the path I'd made!
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