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A member registered Dec 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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I'm guessing that feedback ain't happening anymore. Unless I've missed something somewhere. Oh well.

thank you! i knew i would at least need music in the game and i really had to look hard to find a track that fit both the pixel art and the idea of a character who is maybe not the most likeable. I probably listened to a hundred tracks before i settled on that loop.

谢谢你玩我的游戏。 我正在努力制作更多更好质量的游戏。

No worries! Thanks for giving it a shot. Happy to hear you liked my characters! :)

no need to apologize.  I had fun!

Super Impressive concept. Quite a learning curve when you first start playing, but fun once you get the hang of it! Great job!

Solid game. Only thing i want is more lol. UI feels sensitive and responsive. Dialogue is funny. Overall great game. Well done!

i found you! <3

I had to go back to the game page after booting it up and being like... none of my buttons work! but once i realised i needed to be dragging and dropping i really enjoyed your game. It would be nice to have an in game way of learning the controls. including... that all important R to reset, which isnt even on the game page :P Honestly this is a good concept and fun to play.  Great Job!

haha, im sorry for your hand. The original idea was to have the game be timed to see how fast you could complete it, but i actually really like your idea. Thanks for the good feedback! :)

Not that it matters becuase the games great without it, but perhaps an easy "fix" is to have 2 hitboxs with different visibility layers, one for projectiles that is essentially what you have now and one for aoe's that is just the lower body. it might also be useful for doing other fancy attack paterns down the line.

the movement felt good, as did the combat. the sounds fit nicely. overall this is very well executed. I felt like the cannons hit me even when i was standing outside of the circle which led to a couple of runs ending earlier than i would have liked, especially when i was trying to dodge lots of projectiles at the same time. But it could just be me not being very good. Otherwise, this is a very fun and complete feeling game. Great Job!

Its very impressive with the limitations of the Scratch system and the time constraints. Your tutorial aspect is great, i knew exactly what i was doing and when i needed to do it. Is level 6 possible with only 3 nodes though? If it is, i couldn't work it out. Overall its a good game. Great Job!

I like the concept and im always a fan of a cute cat game. Its a shame that your affection, soap and music bars don't seem to be working, but otherwise i like the gameplay loop. Although, if it were my cats the wants would be nothing but food :P.
Good Job!

i like the idea of an escape the space station puzzle game. but i don't really understand the puzzle. 10 numbers? 4 switches? each with a flashing light? whilst im happy to sit and crack out a puzzle, even if i  dont understand what to do, with no feedback to say whether what im trying at the time is correct or not the challenge becomes less about the puzzle and more about my patience. Maybe some little sounds that beeps affirmatively or negatively depending on what i press or what order i press it it. I also walked to the end of the corridor both ways which proved fruitless, although as i slowly stepped further and further into the mist, i couldn't help but feel like i had achieved escape status.

Very impressive idea to do an entire escape room in the time allowed, but without understanding the puzzle, i fear i shall be trapped forever. Good Job!

yeh, that's an issue with low pixel games. because my main sprites are so small, in order for the text to not be half of the screen it also needs to be small. The font is only 5px X 5px which is craaazy. There might be a way to use a different canvas layer for a bigger font but ui elements and canvas layers aren't my strongest suit.

Thank you for your nice comment though. It will always be great to hear that my efforts were appreciated, especially when I worked as hard as I did on this project.

Simple game executed well. Good job i had fun playing it! Couple of tricky levels but nothing overly hard. Hardest part was getting past the minimalist control scheme. Would play again.

Fun. I liked the simple characters and it was a good use of the palette. Perhaps your next step could be thinking about simple interactions with the neighbors. Maybe a little text box that says hi or thank you. Either way. Good job! Congrats on finishing the game!

I enjoyed it. You don't need to put yourself down about your game, its a game jam. Projects don't have to be good or even finished. They just need to know where they are headed. And yours knew where it was headed. Good job.

If i were to suggest a next step for making the game more user friendly, i might suggest a little floating marker pointing you to the nearest tree and a little counter saying how much wood you have. Finding those last few trees for the final bridge whilst having to go back every time and check i had enough wood yet didn't feel the greatest.

Otherwise, as i said, don't put yourself down. This is a solid game. Great job!

This is less of a game, and more of a modern art installation. It left me confused and questioning everything, but i think that's what good modern art does. good job!

(1 edit)

from the moment that your game started i was excited to play it! that's such a good sign. wonderful little slide puzzles. level 6 was a head scratcher for sure. and there were some ice tiles left over, so i either beat it an unintentional way or they were decoys :P.

honestly, your UI skills shone bright in this game. The controls felt fluid. of the probably 30 or 40 games ive played from this jam so far, this one is definitely top 10 for me.

With all that said... i loved the music so much, that when in level 6, i took longer than the 30sec song loop and it turned off... i really noticed. That's a super easy fix though.

Overall, wonderful game. would happily play more levels! Great job!

for 2 days its not bad. kinda fun. i would appreciate a cooldown timer on the jump boost so that when i use it it doesnt spend like 100pts for a single use. Otherwise, good job. jealous that your boat has tires...

clever little game. very fun! nice interpretation of the theme!

i earned my new best friend! cute platformer, would do well from having controller/dual stick controls and a little pop up at the start that explains that both the dog and human have different controls. But otherwise. I like the idea and the execution. Good job!

(1 edit)

cute art. all of the different scenes are also nicely put together. I especially like the point allocation scene.  I perhaps might have liked a little image at the end showing all of the things i decided in the places i put them, just as a kind of "the end, heres what you accomplished". Also to see that giant gold coin i fought so hard to put in the middle of my roundabout.

For a first game this is very impressive. Much better than my first. Much better than most peoples first. Good use of the palette too! Great Job!

this is a really strong game concept! the game play is fun if a little hectic. There is a lot to manage and learn and the fast paced music made it feel a little overwhelming. Thats possibly just me though. Im truly staggered at what an interesting and clever game you 2 put together in under a week. I also love just how inclusive it all is. Everyone deserves a love connection.

For me i would have perhaps liked right clicking on a person to automatically open their entry in the book. Having to go back to the index every time after with only 10 seconds on the clock was what was making me especially frantic. Reading at speed can be an issue for me, so perhaps im not this games demographic to begin with. But i still had fun playing it, even if i wasnt very good at it. Great job!

for 24 hours its good. Simple concept and highly executable in the time-frame. Some kind of selection indicator would be a good next step. Its tough to know which colour you currently have selected, especially if you get mixed up between the dark colours and click the wrong one. Good job though.

i am too smol brained for this game. there's a reason im not a physicist.  Still , its an interesting play on the pong game concept. A little overwhelming perhaps with the amount of electrons being thrown at you constantly. Maybe this game would be a good candidate for touch screen controls. im sure smart people would use their drawing tablets to draw the magnetic field connection things and get super high, or i guess, low?  scores. very impressive, good job!

Awww... this games really sweet. im a fan. Thank you for including the trails from the "note" being passed back and forward. it really made those tricky bounce returns easier. The music fits very well and the art is adorable. I would love to play a more fleshed out version. Good job.

I enjoyed it. You managed to fit a lot of complicated concepts in, in a short space of time. I like the idea that you have to be close to strangers to converse with them. Overall  this is an interesting little game.  Good Job.

i like the concept of this game but i'm struggling to understand how to really play. Left clicking on anything except the moths doesn't seem to do anything. And even on the moths all that seems to happen is a little circle appears (sometimes) then nothing happens after. I suspect i'm missing something and would likely feel dumb if i was told. Otherwise, i like the graphics and the music fits the tone of the game very well. 

very cute. you nailed the crazy taxi theme, with a bit of roundabout chucked in. I love all of the sprites but especially cupid himself.

I perhaps might have liked more responsive steering, just because i want to get a higher score. But yeh, good game. I enjoyed it.

Love the art. Love the soundtrack. Love circling things with my hammer. Accidentally quit the entire run twice wanting to press escape to close the shop window. Great attitude for a game.

just let me do my 16 piece cat puzzle in peace!!!!!

really good job though. the ambience was top notch. the characters were spooky. i laughed at the cats poses several times. and the "get in ma belly!" line from the dog. I completed the puzzle eventually but it took a few tries. and i had fun every time. If i was to give any feedback, it would be to give me a way to de-agro the dog , whether it be line of sight or a hiding spot. Getting spotted after collecting the fuse and knowing that even if i was to return it i could never go back to completing the puzzle was a little disheartening.

I also had a crash returning the fuse once whilst being chased. Not sure if thats the reason. Just something that happened.

Overall, top notch. I enjoyed myself a lot.

adorable and fun. The mouse camera does feel a little unnecessary. I would also perhaps have liked more options of rabbits to chase (you would probably need a no-tag-back rule) and perhaps to have been a touch slower to give the rabbits a chance to catch me. Perhaps a rubber banding system akin to mario kart, where the tagged person is a little faster than the untagged. It would encourage more tag's and make the game more chaotic after tagging someone. As it stands once you catch the rabbit you dont have to worry because you run faster than him.

still though. great game, i had fun, good job.

I  LOVE IT! so simple and as addictive as that sweet sweet festering apple juice tastes. You have a really good balance of game difficulty vs skill required here. The graphics are also cute and the music fits very well. Overall i think this game is great. I would even hazard to say that if it was refined and had touch controls, this concept would sell super well for mobile phones.

bug wise, (apart from the ants :P) sometimes when i grab a piece to place on the rock at the start, it would place facing down towards the bottom of the screen. forcing me to essentially double up over that piece or restart perhaps some kind of "ghost" preview, would make it easier to see how it will place. This would also eliminate placing pieces on the wrong side of the Y's and to a lesser extent the V's.

Strategy wise, building 2 dueling branches seemed like the ideal strat, but you really pay for it when a beetle weighs you down and your smaller branch (which is inevitable to have because the pieces drop just a touch too slow for consistently maintaining both sides.) goes off the bottom of the screen.

Yeh, all of that said. I love this game, i would happily come back and play it, even as it stands now, in my free time. Good Job!

thanks, my love of pixel art point and click comes from the old DOS monkey island games of my childhood. And the animal characters was because I saw the colour pallette a week before the jam started and it screamed, crocodile protagonist at me. I haven't played either of those games before but night in the woods looks pretty good so I might check it out when a steam sale rolls round.

I don't really understand what I'm doing or the story, or why I get a police badge half way through. But it looks good and the animations are smooth and beautiful. I enjoyed the experience of trying to tell someone to go away. Reminds me of Papers Please. I would love to see more.

Thats good feedback. Truth be told, the not knowing which bottle was a way of artificially lengthening gameplay in a short story game. It's not big, it's not clever and I'm sorry I did it. i essentially held you hostage for an extra 30 seconds. :-p 

Really though, I probably will change it if I go back in to give the game a little polish and update after the judging is over.