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A jam submission

Janks Password HuntView game page

A Point and Click Adventure made for the 2024 New Year New Skills Game Jam.
Submitted by Osaka — 4 hours, 50 minutes before the deadline
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Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous.

  • I love the art actually! I found the opening text a little difficult to read, but the rest of the game was very visually cohesive with the given color palette. The controls were a bit frustrating because you had to pick the action before clicking, and I think it could have been improved on by simply being assigned to different keys -- though, I do think this mechanic can be useful in the right game. I do see the theme of Building Connections, though I wouldn't say it's a strong motif. The game ran pretty well for me, and I thought it was fun. Great work!

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Love the style! And the overall look and feel it's amazing, even the music choice was on point! as other suggested, the font was not so simple to read, but overall really great job!!


thank you! i knew i would at least need music in the game and i really had to look hard to find a track that fit both the pixel art and the idea of a character who is maybe not the most likeable. I probably listened to a hundred tracks before i settled on that loop.


Enjoyed the art a lot, the dialogue and the characters! The text was pretty difficult for me to read and I couldn't finish the game. However, this is coming from someone who isn't good at puzzles in general. Good job!


No worries! Thanks for giving it a shot. Happy to hear you liked my characters! :)


Wow, The art for this game was phenomenal. Very funny interactions! My only issue is how much my hand hurts from all the clicking XD. It would be a fun score system where you can see how many times you've clicked on the game and the lower the score the better. But the real fun would be in watching the high numbers of how many times a person clicked!


haha, im sorry for your hand. The original idea was to have the game be timed to see how fast you could complete it, but i actually really like your idea. Thanks for the good feedback! :)


Really nice graphics, sounds and funny dialogues! 

The only issue for me were some words I couldn't read properly because of the font.

That being said, well done! Super impressive!


yeh, that's an issue with low pixel games. because my main sprites are so small, in order for the text to not be half of the screen it also needs to be small. The font is only 5px X 5px which is craaazy. There might be a way to use a different canvas layer for a bigger font but ui elements and canvas layers aren't my strongest suit.

Thank you for your nice comment though. It will always be great to hear that my efforts were appreciated, especially when I worked as hard as I did on this project.


I can see the huge amount of work and love put into this game, point and click games aren't my thing and still I liked it, it's really well made (I admit I had to use hints to complete it ahah)

Congrats mate!


Very Nostalgic, feels like Voretx Point and Night in the woods


thanks, my love of pixel art point and click comes from the old DOS monkey island games of my childhood. And the animal characters was because I saw the colour pallette a week before the jam started and it screamed, crocodile protagonist at me. I haven't played either of those games before but night in the woods looks pretty good so I might check it out when a steam sale rolls round.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Impressive work getting all<span class="osc_error_black" <these<="" span="">sprites</span> looking as filthy as <span class="osc_error_black" <the<="" span=""> average Flat</span>, its impressive how much art, dialog and coding you managed in just a week.
I had lots of fun playing.

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks! I worked really hard. I probably spent 6 to 10 hours a day on it over the 7 days. Looking back now i can think of about 10 ways to streamline the process and make creating a game like this much less time intensive. But i had to make it to this stage to have that knowledge. :-)


Love it! Super impressive use of the color palette and a fun little point and click adventure!

The writing is really witty ("I thought it was a jar" made me laugh a lot lol) and all in all it was a fun experience!

My only nitpick would be to make which beer bottle is a pick-up in your room to be a little bit more different from the others, since all the beer bottles look so similar! (Maybe since it's a little rancid, make it a little dirtier?)

Other than that, I had a lovely experience! (freaking Carl man, you can't just change my password and then let a seagull just-)



Thats good feedback. Truth be told, the not knowing which bottle was a way of artificially lengthening gameplay in a short story game. It's not big, it's not clever and I'm sorry I did it. i essentially held you hostage for an extra 30 seconds. :-p 

Really though, I probably will change it if I go back in to give the game a little polish and update after the judging is over.


Really enjoying how everything's working together so far! The narrative and visuals are fun and humorous


Thanks.I put a lot of effort into play-testing as i went to make sure the game worked the whole way through and it ended up being an actual complete-able game. Its tough as a solo beginner to make something complete and workable in under a week. But I would like to think i did it. Be sure to let me know if you have any input on the game or things you'd change. I'm sure to go back and at least polish this up a bit once the judging period is over.