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A topic by Created by RK created Feb 12, 2024 Views: 135 Replies: 2
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Thank you very much to take time and effort to create the fonts.

But can anyone pliss guide me on how to create an actual font that I can use in Godot Game Engine???

png are provided. I need to convert it into a Bitmap Font - .fnt.

How do I do that?

Hey! Look here:
In short, you could add your image (I guess in any format supported by Godot: png, bmp, jpg) to your Godot project. Then select your file in Godot's file navigator and switch from Scene tab to Import. Here you can follow tutorial by changing Import type from Texture2D to Font Data. You'll find it easier if you put them together in the correct ASCII order, see the article on how to do that. Feel free to ask any questions!


Thank you.
But I'm using an older version of Godot. So, I manually did the shit.
But thanks for the support. I'm excited for the JAM.