My choices were dared! 😩
Ended up liking this more than I thought I would. Didn’t expect this to come out of the NeveN Team.
Team members
Nev (Yalt)
My choices were dared! 😩
Ended up liking this more than I thought I would. Didn’t expect this to come out of the NeveN Team.
The central idea is a fun one, kind of classical in its use of nonlinearity and how it positions the role of the player, and the prose is characteristically solid and polished (even if I did spot one cat-walked-on-keyboard core typo in "What the h µell").
Still, something about Daring Choices just didn't quite hit me. Maybe too hurried and brief for its own good, ultimately? Comparing to your last MAY WOLF entry, I think the slower on-ramp in that one allowed the pieces of setup and the unnerving moments to linger in a way that made the tonal shift land batter. The unassuming, minimalist presentation kind of hurts, too; I think the game doesn't push up the dissonance enough to excuse not accentuating its most shocking moments visually, and the song choices feel pretty basic.
I will admit that the reference got me in how blatant it was, and I do think it actually helped emphasize that particular story element pretty well and gave it some specificity & resonance. Hope team NeveN paid itself fabulously for this act of cross-promotion.
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