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Tales of Mordhearse HyperliteView project page

a microscopic adventure game
Submitted by unwashedmendicant — 6 days, 13 hours before the deadline
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I think a separate d6 roll for class & hp would make this a bit more interesting, the combinations would be fascinating.


6hp wiz? 1hp war? 8hp half-elf? 4hp mudmen? Stay tuned for Tales of Mordhearse Gluttonmaas 3.5


This is amazing. Love the 1-roll HP / Class chargen. I do feel like save vs HP makes rolling a warrior even more of an advantage than it already seems to be.  Also - by sticking to D&D conventions you're gonna have a lot of parties stopping to let their wizards nap (not unlike D&D itself). I say this as someone who's 1st D&D character was a 1-HP wizard who cast magic missile once and then promptly died.

But there's a ton of great stuff in here. I love that you packed a whole system AND a dungeon into this space!


thanks for the kind words. I tried to hyper-condense a lot of tropes in here, so you end up with glass cannon wizards and unstoppable warriors and....normie burglars just trying to make a buck. I agree the resting to heal thing is kinda lame. Maybe surviving lethal situations gives participants tokens to spend on a "boons or follies" chart where they can heal or push their luck. I like minigames.

The 1hp Wizard who dies upon casting their first spell is my favorite class. You have to squeeze every drop out of your wizardly goofitude until you attain enough prestige to use your own spells. Destined for greatness.


If trope reinforcement was your goal, you've knocked it out of the park.

This looks like a ton of fun and I wouldn't hesitate to run it.


That's a lot of old-school goodness packed into a teeny space. Love the tables!


thanks for the opportunity to vomit chaos