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Our team: Midna Squad

A topic by alexgleason created Oct 03, 2018 Views: 334 Replies: 3
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Hello everyone! We're a team of 3 software-freedom enthusiasts in Philadelphia, PA. We have a musician and two web developers, and this is our first time participating in a game jam.

We chose not to join the proprietary Discord, but there is a chatroom for our own team on Matrix. We're looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!

Submitted (2 edits) (+4)

+1 for consciously avoiding Discord for this jam. I think the jam organisers themselves lost some karma by suggesting its use. ;)

Happy jammin'!

Jam Host


Hey caramelcode, I recently learned that there's a very nice Matrix <--> Discord bridge available. Set-up is a bit tedious (you must create a Matrix room for every Discord channel and bridge them individually) but it's simple and it works:

Next year it'd be great to have a bridge to enable a fully FOSS way to chat. I would be happy to set up the Matrix end.
