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A jam submission

Falling ApartView game page

Detach blocks from yourself to complete puzzles, OneScriptJam entry.
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Theme (Does this match the theme well?)#14.6154.615
Gameplay (How fun is it?)#33.5383.538
Graphics (Is it pretty?)#53.0003.000
Audio (Does it sound good?)#62.0002.000

Ranked from 13 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I really like this one.  The controls/changes in feel when removing blocks made this a bit of a tricky one to play at points but I LOVED the idea :D I thought this was an awesome concept and made for such a good puzzle game!

Needing to choose which blocks to remove to make sure you could still rotate and climb stairs etc was very clever and the dropping cubes onto platforms for doors etc was done really nicely

I had some trouble with the cube rotating into midair and suddenly swapping whether QE/AD moved it left/right or right/left and sometimes I didn't seem to be able to move the player (getting stuck next to a detached block or unable to go uphill) but aside from the minor issues with the movement/control aspect I think this is really cool.  

Amazing idea that this demonstrates really well and could definitely be made into a full game (that I would totally play) -  Really good job :)


Hey so glad you liked it!

Yeah the controls are very wonky, probably wasn't the best idea to do a physics based player for our first jam, we plan to completely revamp the controls and make them feel more natural and constant. Keep an eye out for some updates after the voting is over :)


The game is pretty smart and it really does shine with the theme the puzzle nature is very nicely, however the difficulty of becoming something diffrent with every breakage of the cube makes the controlls feel funkier everytime which leads to diffrent results with the feel of the game, while i had 3 blocks on the ground things such as slopes were fun however when i had 2 or 1 block on a slop i always slumpped over which resuled in some sections be frustrating. 

There was a particular section in level 2 where you would need to go up a slope and if you slopped back it would show the level segment, but instead it would show a diffrent level segment which is confusing and leads the player to not see their character which led me to restart plenty of times :(. 

The concept of the game is very well looked at and im pretty impressed with some of the level design choices and how you've managed to make the puzzles restrict some shapes which require you to cut some ties to make it through, 

Very well done, this submission really fits the jam well and im quite impressed with the end product. however some of the level design decisions could use some review. great work :)


Cheers for the feedback, yeah trying to make such a technical physics character for my first jam probably didn't help :P We plan to come back to this game after the jam and address most of the issues raised in the comments, I want to completely redo the character controller etc.

I'm glad you enjoyed the parts that were playable :P will take all this into consideration when we continue working on it.


Wow, this is such an ingenious puzzle game! And it fits the theme incredibly well!

The only problem I've had with it was when I would remove blocks in a non-symmetrical order, as the center point would remain in the same relative place, instead of moving to the new center of mass. (But that seems like it would be easily fixed by changing the parent's position to the new center, so it's not a big deal)

I can also see this game having a lot of potential for new puzzles, by starting out in other, more irregular, shapes and composed by different block types (bouncy and heavy blocks, that push the center of gravity closer to one side, are just two that come off the top of my head).

You could even be really ambitious and add a glue block, which would allow you to re-attach to discarded blocks (tough, that seems like a nightmare to implement :D)

(I will say that I have gotten somewhat stuck, after reaching the level from the first screenshot. I don't know if that's the end, or if I haven't figured out how to progress yet, so some guidance would be appreciated :))

All in all, this game is amazing, you two have done an outstanding job! Congrats! :D

I hope you're planning on continuing to work on this game, because I would love to play a fuller, more extended version of this game ;)


Hey I am so glad you enjoy our first game jam game!

Due to it being our first game jam as you saw its quite buggy, I would have loved a more dynamic player controller and plenty of the implementations you suggested, I have at least pondered them once or twice, but this is all we could fit in - in time.

However we totally plan to continue development on this as we both saw the same potential and (at least to my knowledge) unique anti-katamari gameplay, I plan to redo the controller and potentially add most if not all of your suggestions, it will be a lot easier not being restricted to one script ahaha.

It's great to see someone already enjoying just this janky submission and we look forward to letting you play future versions!

In regards to getting stuck, the level in which you fall down the long drop, you go through the right door (assuming it all works XD), after completing that level, you will spawn back into the centre room when you can then go to the right door, although it could easily be broken as we cobbled this to a playable point in the last few hours of the game jam :P


That's awesome, best of luck developing it further!

I have completed both the right and left level, and then I spawn up top, on the platform, but I can't find a way to move up and on the ground I didn't find anything.   Now that I think about it, am I supposed to form a staircase by detaching blocks in order to move up? (I would test it, but I have closed out of it and it seems it doesn't save progress)


To be honest, I don't think this game at its current stage is actually able to be complete, so it's probably best to wait for the updated version :P