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Questions! Sticky

A topic by Lone Rabbit created Jul 19, 2021 Views: 467 Replies: 17
Viewing posts 1 to 9

Feel free to ask questions about the jam here!

Hey, how do i upload my soundtrack to Any tutorials?


Yep! I just created it here:


Hi, can i hire session musicians for my soundtrack?



If I wind up with three different tracks (say: "Level 1: Interstellar",  "Level 2: Genesis", "Level 3: Evolution"), would I submit them in separate files or stitched together into one MP3? And... if each track is one minute long, would the TOTAL TIME count towards the 3-minute requirement? Thanks.

If I wind up with three different tracks (say: "Level 1: Interstellar",  "Level 2: Genesis", "Level 3: Evolution"), would I submit them in separate files or stitched together into one MP3?

Separate files, but in the end it's also up to you. If say the tracks are interconnected to each other you can also submit them stitched together as well.

And... if each track is one minute long, would the TOTAL TIME count towards the 3-minute requirement?

Yep, it's the total time of the whole soundtrack which needs to be at least 3 minutes. ^^

Thanks so much!


Hi, how many screenshots of each track would I need to upload? Should it be one general screenshot per track that shows the whole track or do you want multiple zoomed-in screenshots? Do you want a screenshot of the mix window as well? Thanks!


Hi! One general screenshot for each track should be fine, but if you want to provide more in-depth screenshots as well then go ahead!

I've already uploaded my tracks and submitted the project. I'm not at home this weekend so I had to finish and submit everything early, but now as I've listened to my track at Soundcloud, I noticed one rather annoying mistake I'd like to fix. So my question is: Is it ok to remove the current tracks from my project and upload fixed tracks if I can do it before deadline, even though I have already submitted my project to the jam? I might not able to do that but if I manage to get back home Sunday a couple of hours before deadline I might be able to do it.
HostSubmitted (1 edit)

Yes that is completely ok, you can just upload new files and replace the old ones on the edit project page before the jam ends.


Great, thanks!


Can we use the jam's art as album art for our releases?


Technically yes, but mind you there's already 6 submissions that uses the jam's art as album art already. The album art is just to make it easier to differentiate your submission from the others.

So I uploaded my project to soundcloud after the submission period was over (not enough time) so do you think you could add my OST to the playlist of all the music from the jam?


Where will the Results be?


Here, soon. :)