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The Seed WandererView game page

I dug this cartridge up at the landfill.
Submitted by SPARSE//GameDev (@SparseGameDev) — 13 days, 19 hours before the deadline
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Source Code (OPTIONAL)
x=1l=-600u=0s=76a=77g=0P=0v=6R=3w=4h=10poke(24364,1)srand(51)for n=0,32767do e=rnd(256)\1if(n<17151)poke(n,e)
poke(n+32768,e&((n\1620*20&n%180\9)*1337|n)==e and e%128)end poke2(13820,rnd(-1))::n::srand(l)d={}E={}for n=0,15do add(d,n)add(d,n+128)end for n=0,15do E[n]=del(d,rnd(d))end pal(E,1)::e::t=tonum n=btnp o=t(n(➡️))-t(n(⬅️))i=t(n(⬇️))-t(n(⬆️))function f(e,n,d)if(not d)n%=182
return 32768+e%180+n*180end function X(n,d,e,t,o,i,h)local n={f(n,d),f(e,t),f(e+o,t+i)}local r,d,l,f=@n[1],@n[2],@n[3],{0,1,3}if d~=0then srand(%d)if h and d%128==x and not c then u+=1if u==5then c=true end end y=rnd{1,2,3}b=0for n=1,3do if n==y then f[n]=1else j=rnd{0,2,3,4}if j==3then b+=1end f[n]=j end if l~=0and b==0and(f[2]==1or f[3]==2)then if not X(e+o,t+i,e+o*2,t+i*2,o,i)then return end end end poke(12544,255,255,255,(%d+98)%64)music(0)music(-1,300)end for e=1,3do S=f[e]if S==0then poke(n[e],0)elseif S==1then poke(n[e],r)if h then s,a=(n[e]-32768)%180,(n[e]-32768)\180poke(n[e],0)end elseif S==2then poke(n[e],d)elseif S==3then poke(n[e],@n[3])elseif S==4then poke(n[e],@d)end end return@n[1]==0end cls(v)for n=0,12do for e=0,12do z=s+n-6A=a+e-6t=@(f(z,A,1))if t~=0then fillp(%(t%128*2)+.5)k=n*4+6m=e*8+12rectfill(k,m,k+3,m+3,(x==t and not c or t>127)and h or R)end end end fillp(-6938.5)rectfill(30,60,33,63,w)fillp(%(x*2)+.5)if(not c)rectfill(22,116,41,119,R)
if u>0then p=nil if c then r=f(s+g,a+P)if@r==0then p=time()%1>.5if@r==0and btnp(❎)then poke(r,x+128)u-=1sfx"25"if u==0then x,c=x%127+1end end end end if p then?"PRESS ³eX",19,116,h
else rectfill(22,116,21+4*u,119,h)end end flip()if o~=0or i~=0then g=o P=i q=a X(s,a,s+o,a+i,o,i,1)sfx(47)if abs(q-a)>99then l+=sgn(q-a)goto n end end goto e

Link to Commented Source Code (OPTIONAL)

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I don't really understand what's going on here but I get the sense that it is deep. Very much enjoyed exploring and experimenting


I sincerely hope this Pico-1K entry doesn't signal the crash of the Fantasy Console industry! 😜
Had a fun time wondering while collecting and planting my glitchy seeds.
Can't say I knew exactly what I was doing, but pretty sure I'd understand less playing "the other" game 😉
Funny coincidence... you had about the same deadline as Howard Scott Warshaw did!
(I'm sure that parallel was not lost on you at all 🤓)
Neat entry! 👍


Great job of capturing the vibe of an ancient broken Atari game. I think I beat the first two "levels", but then I think captured more of the spirit of the game by just going as far in the same direction as I could until it got weirder.


really like this one! some unorthodox gfx and cryptic goal. getting strong vibes of corrypt by michael brough


I don't really understand what I was poking, but it entertained me for a good 20 minutes while I tried to figure out the rules. It's a wonderful mix of consistency and yet no direction at all. Feels like there should be a mystery to solve, but I think most of the game is just random/procedural interactions instead? A strange feeling, and a fascinating cartridge experience. Thanks for making it!


It feels a lot like exploring the "dead zone" of an older cartridge like Metroid, where the out of bounds area instead contains the code from ram, but is being displayed as level data you can interact with. A very unique experience, and a relic of a simpler hardware time/constraint.


Looks interesting, but I really don’t get goal. I search and collect the 5 icons and than I can place it, but wherefore? Why I can move the elements? I miss a goal, maybe in the itch-page description.

Developer (2 edits) (+1)

The goal is what you make it -- it's more of a sandbox. It's meant to evoke finding eg. an old maybe unreleased Atari game that's missing the manual and it's inscrutable but there must be SOME logic to it... right? maybe not; maybe there's a reason you found it at the landfill