That sudden reveal with the boss dropping its armor was crazy. Difficulty felt well tuned. I think that the tank was a little *too* weak, I found myself just relying on the ball and the turret. But it's tough because if it was too much stronger, then I might have stopped using the turret. I think it needed to find a new niche, like maybe its bullets fired slower, but were faster. Still, impressive that you got those 2 different modes of mobility in the game. I think you did great on art, and the music, while simple, was pretty nice! My only complaint sound wise was in the tutorial, all the sounds are so synched together that they play loud enough that people in the house asked if I was okay, haha. I think you've got a lot to be proud of for a solo project, all in all!
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Bullet Sbread's pageJudge feedback
Judge feedback is anonymous.
- Bread. I had great fun playing it, it ran smoothly, and I love the menu design, very cleverly done, I thought. Initially I thought that the enemies bullets moved a little slow but that only added to the challenge when I moved around more and more. Good work on keeping to the theme, certainly being able to swap between weapons adds a dimension to bullet hell that I don't think I have seen very often, well done! I think something that could be improved on is the actual setting of the game in terms of the art - the grey background just made it feel a bit sterile, but I appreciate that it's somewhat tricky to find/make a texture for a large flat plane. Well laid out GDD, not entirely sure how bread comes into the game, since I didn't actually make it to the end, but eastereggs are always fun.
Link to your Game Design Doc on Google Drive.
Have you checked that your GDD is publicly accessible ?
Is your game set to public on so we can see it?
Summarise your game!
Bullet Sbread is a boss rush bullet hell game where you play as a sentient weapon, able to change forms to better dodge or deal damage. You can change forms as needed to fit the situation.
And why (s)bread you ask? Because bread is life.
Please explain how your game fits the theme:
I wanted to make a game that embodied "I am the weapon" in a very literal sense. In Bullet Sbread, you are a shape shifting weapon!
Is there anything you'd like the judges to pay particular attention to?
For this Game Jam I decided to work on ALL aspects of the game(except for the name, I got a smidge of inspiration for that). I normally only do programming, so this is the first project where I've done the Art, UI, SFX, and Music. So any feedback on any of those areas that are out of my comfort zone would be hugely appreciated!
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