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A member registered Nov 23, 2016 · View creator page →

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Incredible game that is too powerful for me. I don't forsee me beating this, but I'm still glad I experienced it. Kinda... turn based getting over it. Fascinating and frustrating in equal measure, and I wouldn't have it any other way

Pretty fun! I got sucked in all the way to the end. It was a smart decision to make everything have cooldowns because it kept the basic shot relevant the whole way through. Though I'd have loved some sort of like, way to change how it worked a little over time. Like choose between bigger shot or pierces a couple enemies shot, or homing or something like that. It's always nice building up your basics. But even without that I enjoyed it quite a lot

This is just cute. I love the little kobold so much

One of the more creative entries I've played. This was really great! I'd have loved the ability to move stuff after placing it, but I managed okay without. Turns out there's a lot of depth when you have to deal with your own placement, too. I think that the turrets themselves are a little underpowered early game for how much nursing they need... but it was just a lot of FUN using the other two, too. Great job.

Got to round 22, was really fun. My first few rounds I messed up and started before placing stuff, took me a moment to get the hang of it. But I loved it quite a lot!

Other than a couple hitches here and there that are clearly from the time crunch, this was a surprisingly engaging piece. I'd have loved some damage numbers, the ability to see what the effects do, the ability to see what the effects do on the same screen as applying them to a weapon, those sorts of things. But even without those, I played til I had 15 blades. Just a REALLY engaging premise.

Absolutely stellar entry. Excellent choices for roguelike powerups, and engaging, simple to understand but depth-ful combat. I don't think I have anything to say for stuff you could work on, it's just great

I cannot believe how difficult inversion makes something, jeeeze. I was really struggling for a while. It seemed like I kept the full health bar of whoever I was killed by, but it never reset to 'full' health visually. Other than that, that was a really neat way to give the feeling, alleviate challenge for those who were struggling, and still give room for a challenge run. I liked that a lot, especially

Some really fun level design, I loved the silliness of being able to stand on top of a rat. Absolutely fascinating game!

What a precious creature! Thank you for making this. I had never played the card game before and I'm a bit embarrassed how long it took me to understand even with the tutorial. A couple recommendations: The most useful diagram is on the second page instead of the first, and the 'next' button is opposite the button that opens the menu, I'd recommend swapping the button placement, and seeing if there's away to get the strength chart on that first page or have a separate button or UI element for it.

I *really* enjoyed the puzzle solving once I got it, that last one was a doozy. I love puzzles that when you're given more moves, you worry

Very very fascinating. I always love a game that oozes personal meaning in it. I wish I could find out what happened to cause this rift. But sometimes it's too late

Was not expecting memory lane to hit me this way, but here we are! Thank you for remastering this, coming across it really brightened my day

Thank you for the kind comment! I'm glad you liked it!

Thank you so much! This sort of creation fills me with a lot of joy, and seeing people resonate with it makes it even better

I appreciate the comment! I really wanted to get that feeling across in more than one way, glad it landed!

Pretty wild concept! I enjoyed when the explosion caused the ball to just absolutely FLY. Was pretty tough to pick up mines sometimes, and sometimes they'd go off the second I picked them up, but overall it was a nice silly game

Thank you so much! I'm really glad you liked it!

What an absolutely stellar addition. One of my other team members already gave some feedback, I just wanna double down on it. So far, this is hands down the best game I've played out of the jam so far. Took me nearly an hour to beat it, but time well spent, I enjoyed all of it, even if I may have cursed at my screen a few times. Thank you for making this and sharing this, genuinely!

My nostalgia for wario land just exploded. ... Pun wasn't intentional, but now it is. I love this interpretation, it's unique and a lot of fun!

Fascinating game, I liked a lot of the mechanics. I think if you work on this post jam, I think the most important quality of life feature would be some sort of speed-up button for the platforms. All in all, really solid

Amazing feel to it. Such good music. The way the game was set up made me laugh just from concept alone, loved it. The hit detection was a little wonky, and it unfortunately crashed after a while, but all in all, I loved it

Whooooof this one's hard. Honestly, really ambitious and fascinating. First person tower in a tower defense game is clever. I kinda wish either the fire rate was faster, or the bullets were bigger or faster, something like that. Still, great job on such an ambitious idea!

Enjoyed the level design. The tutorial not telling you how to jump until you died made me laugh out loud. Great sense of style, and good tutorialization all around.

Given that you only had two weeks for this, I'm rather impressed. Deckbuilders are hard to get good balance going. And while I can see places where it could improve: The lack of deck thinning meant that your deck just got unwieldy after a while, the 'hit all bacteria' was the most powerful card, along with clear all toxins, that sort of thing; I just appreciate that the game gave me a little optimization puzzle. At first I didn't like the discard system, but I realize now that I've played it, it works great with the real time mechanic and needing to get to the button. Overall really worthwhile!

As someone with a similar interpretation, I genuinely loved this! The bounciness of the initial menu, and the rhythm based mechanics were really great. I really struggled with the tomato level until I realized I could just stand on the box, lol. All in all, I really loved it, incredibly charming and well thought out!

Genuinely strong entry. The controls were pretty fluid, though I sometimes noticed myself missing the extra high bounce for reasons I couldn't determine. Not sure if it was too early or too late. But the level design was fantastic, gave me something to test my skills against and I had to push myself to get level 4 and 6 in particular. Great vibe

I liked it! It was pretty challenging to hit the super small spots, and the best strategy ended up just being to shake the mouse in the general area. Which, amusingly, was still pretty engaging! That said...  I feel like doing something to warp mouse movement to keep the mouse moving in one direction might have been good if possible, and then increasing the size of the spots to hit a bit to enable getting a a constrained slash through. Either way, good job on making something engaging!

Interesting! I only got to round 14, and the speed of tracking allowed me to cheese the enemies with shields, but I rather liked the mechanics. Also impressed you got the mouse to fairly reliably stay inside of the window, other people's submissions in different engines struggled to do that. Also just impressed with you having so many levels, anything over 5 can be a real challenge, and they seemed to generally get harder at a fair rate.

An interesting interpretation! It was really hard, but I did manage. I think the slow roll to needing to get all 5 to avoid taking damage was an interesting choice, and gives you leeway in the last round of anything. Tracking two things was hard, but the choice to make only avoid matching the player input made it more manageable.

I did it! Was tough, the combination of both reading the opposite AND making sure you're not matching the player was tough

Aww! I'm so glad it resonated! Thank you for the comment, it means the world!

Mya did such an incredible job with the faces, Flare's faces were especially emotive and were fun to work with in writing!

Thank you!!! Yeah, I got some pushback from a few people on the combat, but it felt important to set it up the way I did, I'm glad that it went okay for you.

I feel so blessed to have worked with our artist and musicians, they all did killer jobs

I'm very happy it was able to resonate. The theme of the jam hit me pretty hard and I really wanted to do it justice

Your sense of style remains unmatched, what you can do with RPG Maker is like genuine magic. I did feel that the gathering materials was a little on the tedious side, but it was still genuinely really a fascinating thing when fully put together

That sudden reveal with the boss dropping its armor was crazy. Difficulty felt well tuned. I think that the tank was a little *too* weak, I found myself just relying on the ball and the turret. But it's tough because if it was too much stronger, then I might have stopped using the turret. I think it needed to find a new niche, like maybe its bullets fired slower, but were faster. Still, impressive that you got those 2 different modes of mobility in the game. I think you did great on art, and the music, while simple, was pretty nice! My only complaint sound wise was in the tutorial, all the sounds are so synched together that they play loud enough that people in the house asked if I was okay, haha. I think you've got a lot to be proud of for a solo project, all in all!

Yeah, Flare ended up not getting the time they really deserved. I remember in the pitch meeting for the story that Krysta had a whole speech figured out for them and it was so powerful and good but we couldn't find a way to work it in by the end. That plus no 'boss battle' was probably my biggest regret time wise. But who knows what the future brings.

Awww, I'm glad! I've always felt that games have a way of seeping into you a little deeper because you're a participant, so I've always wanted my and my team's games to be meaningful. It makes me really happy that you felt that way!

Thank you so much! Yay was my favorite to write, too! :3

The workstations were a really interesting thought! I rather enjoyed the game, it reminded me a lot of overcooked in a good way. There was a weird bug when switching characters while in range of something to pick up, but otherwise fascinating!