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Chik Outta Here's pageJudge feedback
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- Chik Outta Here has a nostalgic feel to it. I felt like I was playing on my N64 as a kid. It has pixel graphics, a fun mechanics, and a catchy background music that just adds to a certain nostalgic game feel. Very good! I think the artwork worked really well. My only preference would be a more 'obvious' indication of what things you can and can't jump on. It was fun to figure out that certain things can be jumped on, but it was equally disappointing to try something that couldn't and be killed by a rat. The Egg mechanic with the energy was very unique. I like resource management things like that. You have to find a way round doing what you're doing, or a way to preserve as much energy as possible; Great mechanic. Your GDD had everything on it I was hoping for, especially the Development Timeline! It is always helpful to see a Development Timeline in a GDD as a judge; it's nice to see what you were able to accomplish! I'm not sure that this totally fits the theme of 'you are the weapon' but I understand where you were coming from. :) Thank you for the submission! Great job!
Link to your Game Design Doc on Google Drive.
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Summarise your game!
The main mechanic is to use the HARDEN ability.
The controls start with using the mouse and then you control the character with the keyboard
Please explain how your game fits the theme:
My game fits with the theme by using the character as a weapon that can do damage to the enemies
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I had fun playing it. I died more times than I would like to admit but that's because I was too impatient.
Wow glad you had fun that was the main focus for this game, even i struggle myself to be patient i try speed running and lose lol
Cute relaxing game, one tip: set the texture filter for your sprites to "nearest neighbor", yours is set to linear which is blurring the pixels.
Sensational tip, we will definitely look it to that to make the experience more enjoyble, thank you so much for the feedback. Glad to hear it was relaxing :)
Even with the hardening ability I'm not a weapon so much as a scared yet bouncy chick. Also some enemies can simply be jumped over, which I suspect wasn't intended.
Thank you so much for the feedback and i completely understand where you are coming from. The inteded purpose is to harden + your able to harden roll, to defeat the enemies and protect yourself from lurking dangers that await. We wanted to add a bonus for each rat you knockout among other attacks you could use but we were not able to incorporate in this version due to time constraints. Thank you for Giving Chik Outta Here a crack at it :)