Ah yeah right, F5 does a reload, that's right, I forgot (it looks like the game was closed from the visual feedback) ... just the position of F4 is a bit "dangerous".
Silly Jellyfish
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Great Game ! It's really a catching game, and the retro visuals is nostalgic. Very well exectuted, my favorite so far.
One thing: F5 closes the game which I pressed to get back to fullscreen (Saving game, pressing escape, game goes back to embedded screen), F5 is next to F4 so I exited the game by accident a few times without knowing what happened (crash?). After the third time I realized F5 closes the game.
Hi there! That's nice to hear.. In the game menu there is a guide, with video and descriptions. You can also find an overview of the keyboard controls in the menu (Escape or Start Button). Basically you pick up colors and color the rooms with it. Aligned rooms of the same color will be destroyed like in Tetris and you get Points added to your highscore.
Share your best highscore hehe
Hi there, thank you ! Yes, it is bound to the camera angle, so if you rotate the camera the direction changes. Otherwise it wouldn't make sense anymore. It's basically just a thing to get used to. After a bit you can do it fluently. It should work with controllers also, try the left joystick. I think it's easier.