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A jam submission

Hog Hunter 4(Back for the BountyView game page

Was going pretty good. Then it all fell apart 2 hours before the deadline. There's two playable levels though.
Submitted by refundable — 28 minutes, 58 seconds before the deadline
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Hog Hunter 4(Back for the Bounty's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Adherence to Theme#322.4493.000

Ranked from 8 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Nice little game! I included your game in my Pirate Jam Pre-Jam Skirmish compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Great concept and well done for getting out a working version!

This was my first 48-hour jam and I found breaking the development into equal sized time-blocks helped. In my case I scheduled 3-hour dev sessions with 1 hour break in between and two full 8-hour sleep blocks. This gave me 8 full sessions in which to complete my game and I planned out what I thought I could reasonably achieve in each (even though I didn't necessarily manage to achieve it all). I feel the regular breaks and sleep helped me be more productive and enjoy the process. One other thing that helped was making sure that at the end of each session I had a working build so if anything went wrong I would always have something to submit.

Sorry for the unsolicited advice, but I hope it helps.


No I appreciate it! As silly as it sounds I never understood how important sleep was. I just figured it was some thing my weak ass mortal body wanted to do but if I just didn't do it I could steal an extra 16 hours. Didn't realize my productivity would slow to a crawl and my mistakes count would jump up. Next Jam i'm going to schedule in some sleep.


Congrats on getting a game in.  Your post said you went 30 hours without sleep. This was my first game jam and i looked at other peoples tips for a good game jam. The number one thing that was said is to take breaks for sleep. 


I like the bounty for hogs, great theme interpretation! I also liked having the player walk over the button to start the first level. That let's the player know exactly how the controls work before getting into the action. The timed shooting sections I felt could have been a little shorter, but that might just be because I'm trying to get through as many of these games played as I can!

Well done sticking through and getting your game out, great work!


Haha yeah I think your right! I got tired of waiting while doing the code for later levels so I very quickly added a timeskip debug button and just kinda left it in there. Press Y to drop the timer down to 5 seconds =D


Hey, don't be so hard on yourself! The game is definitely playable and has a fun story.
Some constructive criticism:
-The score page has a lot of text to read, which messes with the pacing of the game. Considering that it's a timed shooter, people may not want to read a lot between levels (I'm guilty of doing this too)
-Ideally the player shouldn't be able to walk off the game screen.
-The bullets/laser sight is a bit confusing, you may not even need to have a laser sight, just the visible bullets and players will naturally learn to time their shots.
The fact that there's a lot here for you to work with means you've put in a solid effort and made a good start :)
In future jams be sure to take care of yourself (you mentioned not having enough sleep on the game page, and that really just makes it harder to get things done), plan for something small and know that you can always make it bigger if there's time. Congratulations on sticking with it and getting your submission in!


Yeah it's wordy, and the words are a pain to read because they clash with the background. I need to work on "Show, don't tell" and limit myself down to just a sentence to two. Good feedback!

The wordy bits for the hogs shot and money and stuff was a compromise I wanted an animated sprite adding up scene but I didn't think I could get it working in time so I settled.

Oh yeah you can walk out of the view area. I TOTALLY FORGOT TO FIX THAT!  I remember thinking "I need to add some boundaries real quick" then just never did it and forgot about it till just now.

It started with physical bullets, but I didn't like how slow they were, and speeding them up did fucky thing so I changed the whole setup.
The laser was supposed to be an upgrade and standard would have just been a tiny explosion at the gun with a hit marker on the hog. 

Thanks for the comment, I'll add sleep to the list of things I need to do next game jam.