no really i don't think you understand im xoxos
in 1994 i developed the world's first lyrical procedural music platform (in BASIC, songs assembled to tape took all day)
and i've spent decades doing procedural audio and have a couple games on itch as tripalay games
that's a lot of procedural programming time huh!
no omg there's so much you don't know eg. hal chamberlin noted a way of generating a series of 2*32 statistically balanced unique values using one unsigned INT, one mult and one addition so you can stop using all that crazy superstitious witchcraft random number generation your industry seems to believe in. you can learn about the forbidden existence of multiorder interpolation from me! it's real! there's simpler ways to do things! the quadrature oscillator is amazing! angular frequency omg omg
imagine if you lerned about the kelly-lochbaum tract and could do procedural voice synthesis using a couple of CHAR length delay lines!
REAL sounding voices, using PERFORMANT methods you never cared about!
wowie wowie huh no listen alls you gots to do is go
unsigned long int rnd;
rnd = 196314165 * rnd + 907633515;
and you have 2^32 unique values in series instead of going through stupid stuff! try to understand!