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And so it ends. Sticky

A topic by MrSeBo created Feb 05, 2021 Views: 133 Replies: 3
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Hello! This post will be a thank you and explain the future of our game jam. 

First of all, thanks! Hosting this game jam was an amazing experience! I hope everyone involved would say the same. I made this jam for a small chuckle and out of boredom. Imagine how surprised I was when we reached 34 participants. We got a whole 12 entries! That is a 35% submission rate, which is extraordinary. 

And so, one may ask the question - "Where will the Quacky Jam go next?" While this is a very curious question, I have not yet been able to provide the answer. All I know is that for the next Quacky game jam, I will bring together a competent group of people. We will make the experience so much smoother, and we hope to return to a bigger communtiy.

Thanks,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Yours Truly, Mr. SeBo.

Submitted (1 edit)

Cheers bro, thanks for hosting my first game jam. A small one is quite nice as you can have better feedback. Very helpful for new devs. On to the next one now!


Thanks for hosting, this was fun I learned lots of new things!

Submitted (1 edit)

your theme is good