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[Dev Log] Spectrum Space(?)

A topic by Kirsty Fraser created Aug 20, 2017 Views: 542 Replies: 3
Viewing posts 1 to 4
Jam HostSubmitted (1 edit) (+3)

Day One 

I interpreted the theme for the spectrum with the use of colour and would create an endless runner that had different coloured lanes. The player would have to be the correct colour for the lane they were in and could only swap lanes at sections that offered the colour that you wanted to move to.

The first two days would be spent trying to get the basic prototype done which would allow me to work on improving it for the next two weeks of the game jam.

Progress on the first day went well - managed to get the basic lanes and player movement set up.

Once this was in place, I wanted to focus on getting the areas where the player would pass through to get to the other colours. I managed to get halfway through this before having to call it a night.

Day 2

Bit of a slower day for progress. A few design and technical walls had been hit but finally got a basic prototype of the game done.

Finished up with getting some more art and polish into the game. This was the first time that I had used magic voxel for art. I'll probably keep with it throughout the forthcoming weeks to improve the art and keep iterating.

Jam HostSubmitted(+1)

[Days 4-7 there was no development done due to other commitments.]

Day 8

Previous to this day. I had done some asking around of what people thought of the game through gifs that I was showing them. After some discussion with them I realised that I should be handling the ability to change lanes differently - cue the third iteration of how I'm doing it in the space of a week! The player will pass through 'checkpoints' (working name) and will pick up colour. This allows them to swap to that lane where possible. Grey checkpoints will void a player of all colours they have collected bar the lane they are in. This may mean for some tricky situations in where the player may be stuck on a lane that doesn't generate a lot of bricks. Here is how the game is looking now :

Besides this, some changes were made to the code as to how the checkpoints and lanes we're being generated which took majority of the day to get back to the state I was in last week.
Thankfully I've been graced with a three day weekend and not a great deal to do in it so I'm hoping with some testing, feedback and iteration, I can start to polish this game up ahead of submission next weekend.
If you would like to play the game yourself, then head to where you can play in browser. Any feedback please leave below, on the game page or in the discord if you're active in that (@KirstySays in there)

Jam HostSubmitted

day ?!? 

unfoetunately didnt have a productive weekend as I was hoping for and I'm now on the sprint to get as much polish in this game before submitting on Thursday night (no pressure!) 

Been taking on feedback and advice from those who have tested the game and have now resolved the issues

  1. player feedback. This includes a particle effect when landing after a jump(still buggy) and the player having a bit more motion while running. Animation may be being added later depending on time. 
  2. Balancing. Player will begin in middle lane and the spawning of checkpoints has been altered so no matching lane colours and pick ups appear. I.e. yellow pickups in the yellow lane. further improvements have been done to the player jump to make it more believable. 
  3. Ability to use A/D keys for moving left and right. 

New build should be live tomorrow once more issues have been resolved. 

Jam HostSubmitted (2 edits)

[Note , given up trying to keep track of the days!]

Today's progress has mostly been on the polish side of the game. I know there's still some bugs left but who doesn't love last minute bug fixing before submission eh? :P

Worked on the following items today : 

1. improved the start and end screens to the game by getting rid of the grey background and adding the credits on a scrolling text. (see below)

2. added in background music (thank you and SFX for the players death, jumping and colour pickups. I use five different sounds for jump and death, choosing one at random to give the game a bit more variety.

3. Still playing around with the balance of the game slighty - feedback pending.

4. Name change to space spectrum (still WIP?!)

I'm realising now I'm going to have to have a cut off point where I'll be happy to submit the game and work on expanding it after the jam has finished.

For tomorrow, I'm wanting to focus on the following before submitting :

1. Getting all bugs related to gameplay squashed.

2. Upgrading the UI elements to move away from Unity's default ones.

3. Some more polish on the player when they're moving lanes (particle effects, SFX etc)

We shall see tomorrow if we can get it done in time for submitting tomorrow night (esk!) Wish me luck!
Latest build can be found over at :