The maze vs theme are unrelated. I like that the progress saves as I switch back to the person's info, but I don't understand why I have to navigate a ball through a maze in a detective style game? Think of how you can keep the gameplay on theme
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Project 2 Gabe's pageComments
The maze had to big of a hit box make the circle unable to enter and for some reason it was getting bigger and also entering the IP doesn't work although I liked the story it gives it got me immersed with what I need to achieve.
Project2MowerThe ball in the maze section seemed to have too large a hit box and also the part after that with the IP address doesn't seem to work for me.
Project2[Coote]I enjoyed the story and thought the concept was interesting but I found a bug where the ball in the maze wouldn't go into the maze and kept getting bigger. The game worked fine on my PC at home so the bug may be related to an ultrawide issue.
Project2DoyleI like the idea but I found it to be quite confusing, I was not sure what to do on the maze section
Project 2 Christian
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