Hey all, its Leo on behalf of Team Hi-lite, last year we made Death Whisper Diaries, and World in Ruin the year before.
Fancy new logo render by Shabello
This year Team Hi-lite has grown a bit, some of the team members couldn't participate full time so we took on some extra help to fill in the gaps, LoaMcLoa is working on concept art alongside Esskaden, Lamsjams is working with Shabello on some of the music, Esper is helping me out with 3D assets and Max is helping as a programmer as both our programmers from last year were unavailable this time.
In some ways, having such a big team adds more pressure on us to make something bigger and better than last year which can be a bit stressing, especially since we decided to make something that's a bit different than our older, more story driven games.
We always try to make something very different from the year before and this time we had an idea for a racing game.
Back with World in Ruin we actually started with an idea for a kart racer but it quickly evolved into an adventure game where the vehicle aspect became just a traversal mechanic.
For our new game we wanted to make something that felt like the original Wipeout games mechanically but we have been looking at lots of racing games from the PS1 and N64 era for inspiration.
BBQ Riderz is a hovercar racing game, which means the driving is inspired by games like Wipeout, F-zero and even other more physics based racing games like Wave Race 64
The general idea is that you get to play as racers inspired by the original characters, but there's a bit of early 2000s edge to their new designs.
The character choice being a villain instead of a protagonist meant that letting players choose from multiple playable characters felt like a better fit this time.
Some character design examples from LoaMcLoa
Last year we felt like it took us too long to get the core mechanics playable and therefore we had less time to work on actual content, it meant that DWD was a fairly short experience that didn't really explore the puzzle mechanics deeply, this year we knew that we needed to focus in getting the core mechanics into a playable state early on so that we had more time to iterate on them and create more playable content.
So far we have most of the core game mechanics set up and have been making internal builds to play through as we add new mechanics.
Its all a bit rough visually atm but the focus has been on mechanics first and making sure that the game feels good to play before we make it look pretty.
We have a ton more concept art and other still WIP stuff that we could show but I'll save it for a more art focused dev log post later down the line.
Next week we will work on the remaining game mechanics, finish the character redesigns we have left and start working on some 3D assets.