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Rule Clarification Locked

A topic by Agape Novels created Aug 29, 2020 Views: 545 Replies: 12
This topic was locked by StudioBlue Oct 01, 2020

Judging and voting ended. All comments should be moved to the "Final Scores and Community Award Results" topic...!

Viewing posts 1 to 13

Rule 6 reads a little awkward. There is an "Or" after the text that has been place in parenthesis. So, I just want to make sure I understand  what text the "Or" is referring to (just in case, I assumed wrong). 

We can create our only assets?  What limitations are placed on the assets we create?  

  • If I find a Free Public Domain photo and modified it, is that allowed? 
  • If I take a Free Public Domain photo and trace over it, is that allowed?
  • Can we modify the default assets, including adding extra gradients? 

Also, can you post the list of Default RPG MZ Assets we are allowed to use. I already placed my DLC content into the default project folder. I'm sure I can find all the extra content and removed them, I just want to make sure I didn't missing anything.  A list would allow me to remove anything that might slip by.  

So, I'm assuming that by only allow to use of Free Plugins we can't use any of the VisuStella Plugins that cost money. Like the Wave 2 plugins.  (I'm just pointing this out because people may not realise that some of her plugins cost money.)

One other things. Since you mentioned that this is a MZ contest, are we limited to only MZ Plugins. I know that some of the Yanfly Plugins seem to work (as seen in a Driftwood Video.)  And I have no idea how to modify any plugins to work with MZ.  (I thought I would point this out. Doesn't matter to me.)


I have no idea how you managed to put DLC in the default project creation (beyond the obvious of the character creator autoloading parts in for you), but the filenames should have different naming conventions.  DF_[file], MZEZ_[file], C__[file]_mvt, etc. 


Hey there! Thank you for pointing out the awkward wording of Rule #6. We appreciate that and have fixed the wording to be clearly, we hope: "6. You are only allowed to use the base assets provided by the base purchase of RPG Maker MZ (no DLC or preorder bonuses), or anything created by yourself (or someone on your team). You are allowed to customize the base assets. You are also allowed to use any freely distributed plugins. Bottom Line: If you have to pay money for it, you cannot use it."

As for Public Domain things, those are not things that you created. You are taking something else and modifying it. So no, those wouldn't be allowed. We'll get back to you on frankensteining something (taking a piece here and a piece there), but for now, assume that those aren't allowed either until we say differently.

We'll work on getting that default list. Our apologies, as we hadn't realizes that the DLC stuff would cause that issue.

You are completely correct on any plugins that cost money (VisuStella or otherwise). If you have to buy it, you cannot use it.

And lastly, you are correct about no MV plguins that happen to work with MZ. It needs to be for MZ. Thanks for bringing that up!

Please let us know if you have any other questions!

(1 edit)

You said you get back to me on the "frankensteining. Thanks.

But I did have a question about tracing (Which I don't think counts as Frankenstein, so  that's why I'm asking this question). Tracing is where you put the picture under a layer and then draw on top of it on other layer. That away, you never use the original picture. Of course, if that is allowed, I'll limited to public domain.  As I'm not sure on the copyright laws of tracing pictures. 

Plus, when it does come time to stream the games, are we going to know when our game is up. I want to do my best to turn in when that is happening. Though, if it's later at night, and not on Saturday, I think I will be okay. 



Hey there! Thanks for your patience.

So we've decided that frankensteining is not allowed, since you aren't actually creating anything, you're just modifying. However, you are modifying something other than the bae RMMZ assets, so that is outside of the scope.

However, tracing, if we understand it, is OK since you are creating something based on another thing, which is still creation. Obviously, if you are creating an exact replica, then we'd have no way of knowing that it's traced and not copied, which would be problematic. However, if you take a sprite sheet and trace over it to create your own, that's fine. Like taking a sprite of Sora from the GBA Kingdom Hearts and tracing over it to pixel-make Roxas. Hopefully, that makes sense.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.

(1 edit)

Thanks. I'm not a good artist. But, being able to trace the outer shape will make it easier for me to create something. Of course, I will only stick to pubic domain tracing as I'm not an expert on copyright law. So I suggest only allowing tracing of something that you have a right to reuse.  You wouldn't want YouTube to shutdown the live stream.

I do have some more clarification questions.  Over at the RPG Maker Forums:

They release the sample games Wolf's Gang  and Winds Rhapsody.  And they said that you are allowed to reuse the elements of those games in your game. And there was at least one plugin (RMMZ Picture Anchor) that was included with Wolf's Gang , that I wanted to use. Since the rules say I can use any free plugin (And I'm sure this one is an MZ plugin); I wanted to make sure I could use this one. I don't know the origin of this plugin. But I'm assuming it's a free plugin. I just don't want to be disqualify because I made an assumption.  

Though if anyone does know the author of that plugin, let me know. I want to make sure I include it in my credits. 


Also, about the stream schedule: We're going to post a schedule of the days and times for each game that we (Studio Blue) is judging. The other judges, if they want to do the same, will have to do post their own schedules.


About your plugin question: If the plugin is free to the community, then yes you may use it. Yes, please include it in your credits, as that is just good form.

Hello! I need a quick clarification about your NSFW rule. I'm thinking of going survival horror and would like to have some moderately bloody pixel art, would that be allowed?


Hey! Yes, that's fine. NSFW means extreme violence and sex, stuff that would get us a Twitch Ban. :-)

Sweet! Thanks for the quick reply.

Could I use other free software to create assets? Such as a free character model creator (seperate from RPG makers)? Also, since it's not being judged, could the music be arrangements of public domain music, such as Bach, Listz and the like?

Host (1 edit)

Yes. The tool doesn't matter so long as you are creating the asset with it.

Host locked this topic