Woooh! That was an awesome experience! I didn't quite know what to expect, but I didn't expect this!
The game started out about as I'd imagine, but when it deviated from that it was v cool (not necessarily a surprising given the warnings at the beginning, but a great plot twist!
Honestly, the sheer volume of dialogue and story content is amazing. My main problem with RPG Maker games is that I've probably missed something really funny/interesting 😅 but even so I managed to catch many references within this game! Other modifiers, other game ideas??! It did make me laugh. I thought this game really excelled in building the world and characters, and there is definitely some hilariously written dialogue in here!
There is some lovely art complementing the RPG maker-ey stuff in the game. The clash of styles is really funny, and it's always a bit of a surprise what you see in this!
I got slightly lost after the tortoise scene close to the end, as I completely missed that staircase and instead went back to my office 😅 other than that though, the game is signposted very well.
The song at the end is hands down excellent! glad you included the MP3 as a separate download so we called all listen at our leisure.
Overall, and especially given the short timeframe this game was made in, this game is remarkably complete and full of great content! Well done!
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