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Baroque and Bullets, A Grotesque adventure of Greed and Gods in a Broken Land

A topic by Nvaet created May 29, 2024 Views: 107 Replies: 5
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// Dragon Gods came from beyond the star, with them, they brought the power to shape reality, as well as their servant, the First Humanity.

Baroque and Bullets is my entry for the Songs and Sagas Game Jam. I wanted to take this opportunity to write down a devlog recording my progress and messy thought process in working on this project, and share it with this community. In the hope of at least entertaining, and hopefully help some fellow game designer.

I'm writing down everything in a Notion Workspace set in public reading access that you can find here. I will try to post regularly some update in my devlog and share it in this community.

My plan as of now for this project is to leave as much mechanic as untouched as possible and focus on bringing my own universe into this Songs and Sagas system, then see how it goes from there!

01 - Getting Started

This is where it begins. Not very far to be honest, with just a vague idea and a cool premice (in my humble opinion). But at least, I have some striking images in mind!

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02 - Of Flavor and Principles

A Game Design Principles is something I'm trying to integrate into my workflow, as it really help focus the design in a specific direction, but figuring out those design is not always easy, so on this devlog I'm going more into the details of how I approach the creation of those guidelines.


Happy to see there is another entry! Let's make the most out of it! Good luck!!!

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03 - A story of Burning of the Soul

Now introducing a new mechanic: The Soul-Burning !

The world of Baroque and Bullets is one where the land is broken and corrupted, and the riches it contains are only for those brave (or foolish!) enough to dive deep into the poisoned land.

Writing down mechanics is probably my favorite part of game design, but working within the constraint of a Game Jam is something new and fun to do. So I tried to add a mechanic that would mechanically fit the SRD but also fit with the thematic and aesthetics of my own game.

The main principle behind this mechanic is "Power at a Price". The Burning is represented by a step die (from D4 to D12) that each character have. This die represent the influence of the corrupting force of the Broken Land, and will burn fiercer as the characters move forward. And it can potentially ends up killing them, but it is also a resource that can be used to trigger powerful artefacts.

What I hope to introduce with this mechanic is an opportunity of a choice: "Should I use the power of the Burning but risk dying later, or not do it and potentialy die later?"

In any case, I had designing this, if you want to know more, check out my devlog on notion: 03 - A story of Burning of the Soul.
Thanks for reading!


NICE, every time I hear some resource building up and then be ready for usage it gives me such old school vibes :)