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Introduce Yourself!

A topic by chiyeon created Mar 14, 2019 Views: 359 Replies: 4
Viewing posts 1 to 5

Not an admin or anything, but I thought we could all get to know one another a little  better!

I'm iKatadrop, a solo developer in High School! My primary game engine is Unity with C#, which will hopefully be LWJGL by summer. This Jam, I'll use for as much art as possible (though I can see it not being very much), BFXR for sound generation, and FL Studio for music. Hopefully we all have time to pull something satisfying off in the time frame. Good Luck, and Nice to Meet You!

Host (2 edits)

uh, I am the host :D

I'll be doing the jam but not submitting, using aseprite for artwork and unity for everything else!

I'm a professional developer for business software. I like to dev games in my free time, hoping to make an awesome game one day. I learn new techniques with every game that I make. I'm most familiar with Unity and RPGMaker.

Submitted (1 edit)

I am a 13 year old who loves to program! I am currently developing a top down shooter. This will be my second and hopefully best game jam ad I learned alot from my first one! Sorry if the sound effects are bad lol. I will be using unity to program. Also, I will be using bosca ceoli to make music. However for sound effects.... we’ll see.


I am 20 years old and in college. This will be my second game jam and I hope it will turn out better than the last one that I did. I mostly program with Game maker studio, but I can also program with construct and a few other languages.